• Ukrainian War Dismantling a Kalashnikov and Why Invade Ukraine: Russia Begins the Most Warlike Course in Its History
  • Opinion The Prigozhin factor

Ukraine said the recent drone attack on an airport in northwestern Russia was carried out from Russian territory, in the midst of a counteroffensive to liberate occupied areas.

The attack occurred on the night of Tuesday to Wednesday against the airport of Pskov, a Russian city near the border of Estonia, Latvia and Belarus, almost 700 kilometers from Ukraine. "The drones used to attack the 'Kresty' airbase in Pskov were launched from Russia," military intelligence chief Kyrylo Budanov said on Telegram, along with a link to an interview he gave to The War Zone.

It is the first time that the Ukrainian government has acknowledged operating from within Russian territory, where there have been several drone bombings and alleged acts of sabotage, in addition to a series of armed incursions by Russian fighters in favor of Ukraine.

On the other hand, the Nobel Foundation has reversed its decision to invite the ambassadors of Russia and Belarus to the award ceremony in Stockholm, following the wave of outrage provoked the day before by the invitation. The decision was hailed as a "victory of humanism" by Ukrainian Foreign Ministry spokesman Oleg Nikolenko.

In addition, a court has ordered the arrest of one of Ukraine's richest men, Ihor Kolomoisky, for money laundering. The tycoon had a relationship with President Zelensky when he was a comedian.

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Arrest warrant for Ukrainian tycoon Ihor Kolomoisky

A Ukrainian court has ordered the detention of businessman Ihor Kolomoisky, one of Ukraine's richest, for a period of two months. He can avoid arrest with the payment of a bail of 13 million dollars, according to some media and collects the Reuters agency.

Ukraine's top security agency has accused the tycoon of fraud and money laundering.

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Ukraine strengthens the Eastern Front as it consolidates its advance towards the Sea of Azov

Ukraine erects fortifications in the eastern Kharkiv region, where Russian troops have gained ground, while Russia tries to reinforce the southern front, where Ukrainian forces continue to advance towards the Sea of Azov in order to break the corridor linking the Crimean peninsula with Russia.

"Southeast of Kharkiv they have begun to actively erect fortifications. They also dig trenches, anti-tank trenches, prepare land for mining," Andrei Marochko, representative of the self-proclaimed Luhansk People's Republic, told RIA Novosti.

According to the retired lieutenant colonel of the pro-Russian militias of Lugansk, these works "not only involve war equipment, but also communal services and private companies" of Kharkov.

The General Staff of the Ukrainian Army has recorded that Russian forces carried out during the last day unsuccessful offensive attempts in four sectors of the front, in particular in the direction of the town of Kupiansk, located in the Kharkiv region.

"The enemy carried out an air strike in the Krojmalni district of the Kharkiv region. More than 15 towns ... in the Kharkiv region were hit by enemy artillery and mortar fire," the Ukrainian army said in its daily war report.

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Lavrov to go to UN Assembly

Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov will participate in the high-level meetings of the 77th session of the General Assembly, which will take place from September 19 to 26, according to Russian diplomacy.

"Sergey Lavrov will appear at the political debates of the UN General Assembly (...) and will participate in a series of bilateral meetings and multilateral activities of the UN Security Council, the BRICS" among others, Foreign Affairs said in a statement.

Foreign Affairs added that in the framework of the General Assembly Russia "will defend its principled approaches", set out in the renewed conception of the country's foreign policy set in March this year in the context of the war in neighboring Ukraine.

"We will express ourselves in favor of restoring the role of the UN as the central coordinating mechanism to guarantee and harmonize the interests of all states," the Russian diplomat said.

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The annexed regions of Luhansk and Kherson vote in advance

The inhabitants of the areas occupied by the Russian army in the annexed Ukrainian regions of Luhansk and Kherson began to vote early ahead of the Russian regional and municipal elections on September 10.

These are the first Russian municipal and regional elections to be held in these regions, annexed by Russia in September 2022 after a referendum that neither Kiev nor the international community recognized.

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Ukrainian tycoon Ihor Kolomoisky suspects in fraud investigation

Ukraine's top security agency has accused tycoon Ihor Kolomoisky of fraud and money laundering. He is one of the most prominent businessmen in the country. The move against Kolomoisky, one of Ukraine's richest men and a longtime supporter of President Zelenskiy whose election he backed in 2019, comes as Kiev tries to signal gains during a wartime crackdown on corruption.

"It has been established that between 2013 and 2020 Ihor Kolomoisky legalized more than 500 million hryvnias ($14 million) by withdrawing them abroad and using the infrastructure of banks under his control," the Security Service of Ukraine (SBU) said in a statement.

The SBU posted images on the Telegram messaging app of a group of detectives on his doorstep, as Kolomoisky received documents and signed them. The businessman, who has been under U.S. sanctions since 2021, is seen as one of the class of oligarchs who amassed enormous industrial wealth after the collapse of the Soviet Union in 1991 and have wielded enormous political and economic influence.

Before winning the presidency, Zelenskiy rose to fame as a comedian and played the role of president in a program broadcast on a television channel owned by Kolomoisky. The Ukrainian leader has denied that Kolomoisky had any influence over the government.

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Zelenskiy says troops are "advancing" and rejects criticism

President Volodymyr Zelensky said Saturday that Kiev's troops are "advancing" in their counteroffensive against Russian forces. In turn, he has rejected criticism that Ukraine is gaining ground too slowly.

The counteroffensive, now approaching three months, has recaptured more than a dozen villages but no major settlements, with soldiers paralyzed by vast minefields and Russian defensive lines.

This week, U.S. officials who did not give their names expressed frustration at the slow progress of the operation and even criticized the Ukrainian strategy, according to Western reports that drew Kiev's ire. Ukrainian forces are advancing. In spite of everything, and no matter what they say, we are moving forward, and that is the most important thing. We are on the move," Volodymyr Zelensky wrote on the Telegram messaging app.

Some fear that Western support may begin to falter as colder, wetter weather slows progress on the battlefield as it moves this year. The West has invested many billions of dollars to help in the counteroffensive and Kiev says it needs more.

In its daily battlefield update, the Ukrainian military reported no new advances, but said its troops continued to advance toward Melitopol, a major Russian-occupied urban center in the Zaporiya region.

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The Nobel Foundation rectifies and will not invite the Russian ambassador to the award ceremony

The Nobel Foundation will not invite the ambassadors of Russia, Belarus and Iran to the awards ceremony in Stockholm, contrary to what it had announced.

"The Nobel Foundation's decision to invite all ambassadors to the Nobel Prize ceremony, in line with previous practice, has provoked strong reactions," the organization said in a statement Saturday.

Behind the invitation — which came after those ambassadors were barred last year following Russia's invasion of Ukraine — was the reasoning that it was "important and right" to try to give the maximum possible scope "to the values and messages that the Nobel Prize represents," he argued.

However, reactions in Sweden to Thursday's announcement by the foundation's president "completely overshadowed" this message, the statement said. On Friday, the Ukrainian ambassador to Sweden and the leaders of several Swedish parties had threatened to boycott the ceremony in protest at the invitation of the ambassadors of Russia and Belarus.

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Russia claims to have improved its positions southwest of Bakhmut

The Russian Army improved its positions in the vicinity of the town of Klischíivka, southwest of Bakhmut, in the Ukrainian region of Donetsk, the Russian Defense Ministry said today.

"On the Donetsk front, Russian forces improved their positions on the front line in the vicinity of the town of Klischiivka thanks to their offensive actions," Russian military department spokesman Igor Konashenkov said in the daily war report.

Según el representante de Defensa, la agrupación militar "Sur" del Ejército ruso, con apoyo de la aviación y la artillería repelieron cinco ataques ucranianos en las cercanías de Bajmut y otros tres en las cercanías de Márinka, también en Donetsk.

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El Ministerio de Defensa ruso dice que derribó tres drones cerca de la frontera

El Ministerio de Defensa ruso dijo el sábado que había derribado tres drones ucranianos sobre la región de Belgorod, mientras que el gobernador regional dijo que un hombre había muerto en un ataque con cohetes ucranianos contra una aldea cercana a la frontera.

Por otra parte, los gobernadores de las regiones fronterizas cercanas de Bryansk y Kursk dijeron que una serie de aldeas fronterizas habían sido atacadas por Ucrania y que una mujer había resultado herida en la región de Kursk.

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Putin recibirá a Erdogan

Dos nuevos cargueros zarparon de un puerto ucraniano y avanzan por el mar Negro en un corredor marítimo trazado por Kiev, pese a las amenazas de Rusia, que se retiró en julio de un acuerdo mediado por la ONU y Turquía para permitir la exportación de granos.

Rusia y Ucrania son grandes exportadores de productos agrícolas y son actores claves para el suministro global de alimentos.

Turquía, como mediador del acuerdo, ha instado a Moscú a que vuelva a ceñirse al pacto.

Putin se reunirá el lunes con su homólogo turco, Recep Tayyip Erdogan, en el balneario ruso de Sochi, a orillas del mar Negro.

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La fiscalía alemana investiga la agresión a un niño ucraniano al que lanzaron de un puente

La fiscalía de Gotinga (centro de Alemania) está investigando una agresión sufrida por un niño ucraniano de 10 años de edad, presuntamente por hablar ucraniano, de la que se sospecha que podría tener una motivación política.

Según informó la institución en un comunicado, los hechos se produjeron el pasado 26 de agosto en la localidad de Einbeck, en la región de Baja Sajonia, cuando un grupo de niños ucranianos fueron abordados por un desconocido que les afeó, en ruso, que estuvieran hablando ucraniano.

El individuo, que todavía no ha podido ser identificado, supuestamente les instó a hablar ruso y les dijo que Ucrania había comenzado la guerra en ese país.

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El factor Prigozhin

Entre los restos del avión que cayó como bola de fuego el 23 de agosto al norte de Moscú, se identificó el ADN -si bien por fuentes rusas- del caudillo Evgeny Prigozhin. Su muerte ha sorprendido al mundo: un bombazo bien literal que cobra toda su dimensión, sin embargo, en el sentido figurado. Porque actúa de catalizador de acontecimientos sucedidos en este paréntesis ferragostiano, cambiando diametralmente la percepción de la realidad que se arremolina en las trincheras ucranianas.

Lea aquí la opinión completa de Ana Palacio.

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French minister satisfied that Ukrainians agree to compete with neutral Russians

The Minister of Sports of France and of the Olympic and Paralympic Games of 2024, Amélie Oudéa-Castéra, welcomes the "evolution" of the Ukrainians, who now accept that their athletes compete with Russians and Belarusians under a series of conditions, including the neutral flag.

"The regime of absolute neutrality, which has to be well verified, is more accepted by all. I welcome this evolution on the part of Ukraine," Oudéa-Castéra said in an interview with EFE, referring to the decree published by the Ukrainian government on July 27, 2023.

In it, Kiev allows its athletes, for the first time since the war broke out in February 2022, to face Russians and Belarusians in international events, although only individually, excluding team competitions, and as long as athletes of those nationalities do so in a neutral manner.

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Russia says it has shot down two drones near border

The Russian Defense Ministry said on Saturday it had shot down two Ukrainian drones over the Belgorod region, a border province that suffers regular attacks from Kiev's forces.

Separately, the governor of the neighboring Kursk region said a village on the border had been shelled from Ukraine and a woman was wounded.

Ukrainian drone strikes on Russian territory have intensified in recent weeks, with some days dozens of drones attacking Russia at once.

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Russia begins the most warmongering course in its history

In Moscow, Friday dawned sunny and the Russian flag was raised in every school while the anthem was played. Every September 1 is a holiday in Russia, where it is common for students to bring flowers and present choreographies. But from Monday begins the most warmongering course in the modern history of the country. Russian youth, the new textbooks explain, must understand the tragedy of the Soviet collapse, the perfidy of the West and the need to sacrifice themselves for the greatness of the Russian homeland.

Read here the complete information of Xavier Colás.

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Russia destroys three Ukrainian maritime drones launched against the Crimean bridge

The Russian military destroyed three maritime drones launched by Ukraine against the bridge linking the annexed Crimean peninsula and the Russian mainland tonight, according to the Russian Defense Ministry.

"On September 2, at 2.20 Moscow time (23.20 GMT on September 1) in the waters of the Black Sea, the third Ukrainian unmanned boat launched by the Kiev regime to carry out a terrorist attack on the Crimean bridge was destroyed," the military department said on Telegram.

According to Defense, the first attack took place around 23.15 Moscow time (20.15 GMT) followed by a second, at 2.10 (23.10 GMT on September 1).

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Russia declares Nobel Peace Prize laureate Dmitry Muratov a "foreign agent"

The Russian Ministry of Justice declared Russian journalist Dmitry Muratov, winner of the 2021 Nobel Peace Prize, a "foreign agent" for producing and disseminating information aimed at creating a "negative attitude" towards the country.

The Latvia-based independent newspaper Novaya Gazeta Europe, heir to the newspaper Novaya Gazeta, founded by Muratov in 1993, reported the move by Russia on its official Telegram channel.

He said that according to Russian authorities, Muratov "participated in the elaboration and dissemination of materials by foreign agents and also used foreign platforms to disseminate opinions aimed at forming a negative attitude towards the domestic and foreign policy" of Russia.

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The Pope wishes that "the dark clouds of war will pass" as during the "pax mongola"

Pope Francis wished this Saturday that "the dark clouds of war" can pass thanks to "encounter and dialogue", in the first speech of his trip to Mongolia and in which he gave as an example the period known as "pax mongola", the absence of conflicts between the peoples that were conquered by the Mongol Empire during the thirteenth and fourteenth centuries.

After meeting with the country's president, Ukhnaagiin Khürelsükh, Francis highlighted the role of peaceful Mongolia with "a wide network of diplomatic relations, its active adherence to the United Nations, its commitment to human rights and peace, plays a significant role in the heart of the great Asian continent and on the international stage."

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Russia says it has destroyed three Kiev drones targeting the Crimean bridge

Russia destroyed three Ukrainian naval drones aimed at the Crimean bridge, its Defense Ministry said early Saturday.

"On September 2, around 02H20 Moscow time (23H20 GMT on Friday), a third unmanned Ukrainian semi-submersible vessel, sent by the Kiev regime to carry out a terrorist attack on the Crimean bridge, was destroyed in the Black Sea," the ministry said on Telegram.

One drone was destroyed on Friday and two others early Saturday, the ministry said.

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