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Vitoria's FesTVal, Spain's most important television festival, has been lame for almost a decade. Considering itself despised and boasting of not needing such a promotional showcase, Mediaset left the annual Vitorian event in 2014. That year it also stopped submitting nominations for the Iris Awards, organized by the Academy of Sciences and Television Arts of Spain. The company that owns Telecinco decided to go it alone. Until now.

In the official program of FesTVal 2023, Mediaset's entertainment formats and fiction series are present again. Telecinco, in the midst of a crisis of audience and business model, returns to Vitoria with its stars. He is aware as such both the actors of the unbreakable The looming and the participants of the insane reality show In search of nirvana, where characters of all fur will travel "to a remote and exotic country like Nepal, with sublime landscapes, surrounded by people from ancestral cultures, also participating in a new television program for prime time of a national network that includes a fun competition with the aim of finding inner peace." I know, the wording of the quotation marks is somewhat clumsy, but if I did not reproduce the FesTVal documentation verbatim, I ran the risk of being accused of inventing something absolutely implausible. A couple of years ago it would also be that Marta Flich was in charge of driving Big Brother VIP. Or that Ana Rosa Quintana left the throne of queen of the mornings. However, all of this is happening. Telecinco is now very far from finding inner peace.

The professionals of television journalism displaced to Vitoria will be on Monday night very aware of two things: where to have dinner and to see El Hormiguero. The program of Pablo Motos in Antena 3 will have as a star guest Isabel Pantoja, icon of Telecinco par excellence, who will change sides for one night. His "betrayal" will not be as dramatic as it could be, because his former friend Jorge Javier Vázquez will not be at that time on the other side of the command at the head of Chinese Tales. The long-awaited new project of Jorge Javier in Telecinco will arrive later, but Atresmedia is already preparing attacking with the heavy artillery of Pablo Motos. That the Pantoja, protagonist of some of the most memorable telecinqueros moments of recent years, change army is one of those events that can be analyzed from very different points of view: television, economic, pop culture, trash culture ...

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That multiplicity, sometimes delirious, has accompanied Telecinco since its inception. The same chain that brought Twin Peaks to Spain also housed a space presented by Jesús Gil in a jacuzzi being magreado by young ladies. The home of Family Doctor was also that of Martian Chronicles. Those were different times. For some, better times. It was those crazy 90s when Ana Rosa Quintanabegan her career in the then self-styled "friend chain". Veredicto, a program of, literally, popular trials, was the first space presented by who years later would be the great face of the chain. In Verdict we saw daily domestic disputes settled by a retired judge, the then rudimentary televoting of the viewers and a presenter who already then showed her now almost parodic ways of television villain. Quintana enjoyed those poor and bizarre judgments with an air of superiority that it is possible that even she herself did not value enough. That's charisma. A star was born.

Today Ana Rosa is one of the pillars of Telecinco. So much so that without being on the air in August it has not ceased to be the protagonist. Ana Rosa absent in the middle of the Daniel Sancho case? Ana Rosa silent while the Congress of Deputies faced its most slippery configuration? It is foolish to deny that the authority of Ana Rosa, however we define that concept, is one of Telecinco's most valuable assets. She has achieved the ultimate goal of any communicator: her relevance and impact are far superior to her real audience. There are more people talking about Ana Rosa than seeing her. If Ana Rosa speaks, the bread goes up. His increasingly virulent editorials fly much higher on Twitter than on his show. She's the boss and she knows it.

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The television slot in which The AR Program has been operating for a long period is not exactly the most attractive. Its audience has traditionally been looked down upon by quantity and by social extraction. That one of the most important commentators of today (I repeat: it is foolish to deny this) exercised at such an early hour and for those people (so housewife) indicates to what extent she is a superstar. Its move to the table is one of the strategic movements of a channel that, after the dismantling of Sálvame, wants a change because it needs a change. The new schedule of Ana Rosa is not a cathodic revolution, but the movement of an important piece in the chess of our television.

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For Sonsoles Ónega, autumn will be tense. His And now Sonsoles will not have to measure against Sandra Barneda in substitute plan, but against his majesty Ana Rosa.

In return, Susanna Griso, host of Espejo público, the morning show of the same chain, gets rid of her nemesis... But maybe he forgets to look through the other mirror, the rear-view mirror. Televisión Española, which for years seemed to have accepted a humiliating position of eternal loser, has found in Silvia Intxaurrondo an unexpected but very effective contender in the share war. Barely contaminated by frivolous content that can deeply weigh down the image of a current affairs program, the Baracaldo journalist has made La hora de La 1 shine. Several viral moments in this summer's election interviews have raised his profile, that of his program and, consequently, that of the frequently disorganized Spanish public television. Watch out for Silvia.

Pantoja rules

The morning TV is therefore like this this autumn: Griso in Antena 3, Intxaurrondo in La 1 and Ana Terradillos in Telecinco. Three women with very different styles in three programs/networks with very different connotations. But basically very little news. Those will arrive in the afternoon with the TardeAR of Quintana and at night with the Chinese Tales of Jorge Javier. He is not confirmed as a guest of the Vitoria Festival; She will attend on Monday to present her program to the press. I don't plan to miss it. Then I will go to the presentation of Bisbal's documentary... and then I will run back to the hotel to see the Pantoja in El Hormiguero. As I went home a few years ago, running too, to see her jump out of the Survivors helicopter. If Telecinco had actively dispensed with Isabel Pantoja and her universe would have sent a clear message of renewal. But the perception is different: it is she who is gone, it is she, again, who rules. In the fight for the crown of attention, Isabel Pantoja remains unrivaled. Not even Ana Rosa. His visit to El Hormiguero is pop, it's trash, it's economics and it's television. It is both an absurd anecdote and the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor.

  • Jorge Javier Vazquez
  • Pablo Motos
  • Isabel Pantoja