France: faced with the water crisis in Mayotte, Paris announces the distribution of bottles

While the French department of Mayotte is facing its worst drought since 1997, the new Minister for Overseas Philippe Vigier went there this Saturday, September 2. To respond to the water crisis, it was announced that bottled water would be distributed to the most vulnerable – pregnant women, children in particular – the arrival of cisterns, but also measures for companies. Because drinking water is only usable one day out of three.

A resident fills canisters with drinking water near Talus 2 slum, near Kangou, Mayotte, here May 23, 2023. © Philippe Lopez / AFP

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This is his first official trip to the Indian Ocean. The new French Minister for Overseas Philippe Vigier was this Saturday in Mayotte, after a first stage of three days in Reunion. He announced emergency measures to respond to the water crisis in Mayotte, where the situation is increasingly untenable.

The minister delegate promises "a real Marshall Plan for Mayotte". According to the minister's office, businesses will receive assistance to offset their fixed costs. The State also announces the deployment of fifteen cisterns in the coming days, which will be filled thanks to a water treatment plant, for a budget of 2.5 million euros.

Asked about the price of bottled water, by the weekly Mayotte Hebo, Philippe Vigier ensures that everything will be done to "reduce this cost": "We will make sure to put pressure on distributors," he continues. Quoted by AFP, the deputy of the Republicans Mansour Kamardine welcomes for his part the distribution of bottles of water, but he regrets that it "took the crisis for us to have investments" on the water infrastructure of Mayotte.

This department, the poorest in France, is currently experiencing its worst drought since 1997. For several months, water has been distributed in dribs and drabs, to the 300,000 inhabitants listed. Because to conserve these resources, the authorities have announced that drinking water will only be accessible one day out of three from Monday, September 4.

Measures to help Reunionese sugar cane producers

During his trip to Reunion, from Wednesday to Friday, the Minister Delegate was questioned by sugar cane planters. They expressed their concern about a sharp decline in production for several years on the island. At the end of the 2022 sugar season, 1.3 million tons of cane were crushed in the two factories of the department, 21% less than the ten-year average, according to the Directorate of Agriculture of Reunion.

Philippe Vigier recalled that "more than 100million euros" were on the table in 2023 to help Reunion cane producers.

" READ ALSO The water crisis in Mayotte arrives after "many years of inertia"

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  • Mayotte
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