The economist noted that the UN, as one of the guarantors of the Black Sea Initiative, is under increasing "pressure from those who were supposed to deliver this very grain."

"The question is that what is proposed now is a repetition of the provisions of the second package of the grain deal, which were originally laid there. And as we remember, none of this was ever implemented. In addition, even if we assume that this will be done, then other questions arise, "Maslennikov said.

He drew attention to the fact that no serious progress in the performance of the second package has yet been noticed.

The specialist also recalled that Russian grain producers were skeptical about the grain deal, because they suffered quite serious losses due to the additional costs of chartering and insurance of transportation.

"Therefore, here, I think, everything remains on its own. If there are decisions, this "Black Sea Initiative" will be resumed. If not, we are still ready to trade grain. The prospects for this harvest make it possible to predict high volumes of Russian producers' entry into the world market. They are not much different from the situation of the previous grain year," Maslennikov concluded.

Earlier, the Anadolu Agency, citing sources, said that the UN had made a proposal to reconnect Rosselkhozbank to SWIFT and unfreeze the assets of Russian companies as part of the grain deal.