Guangzhou, Shenzhen, on the same day, announced the implementation of "recognize housing but not recognize loans"! On the morning of August 8, the official website of the Guangzhou Municipal People's Government hung out the Notice on Optimizing the Identification Standards for the Number of Housing Units in Personal Housing Loans in the City, after which banks have stated that they will implement the policy in accordance with the requirements of the notice. In the evening, Shenzhen announced the implementation of "housing recognition but not loan" from the 30st.

In a word, as long as the buyer's family does not have a house in Guangshen, regardless of whether they have taken out a loan to buy a house, the purchase of a house in the local area can be counted as the first house, and enjoy a lower down payment ratio and loan interest rate than the second house. The main benefits of the new policy are the replacement groups who intend to sell one to buy one in Guangzhou and Shenzhen, as well as those who have loan records in other places but do not have a house locally, and their purchase threshold and home purchase cost will be greatly reduced. According to analysts' estimates, according to the average total price of first-hand housing units in Guangzhou from January to July this year is about 1.7 million yuan, and the average total price of second-hand housing units is about 410.320 million yuan, after the implementation of the new policy, buyers can pay at least 30% less down payment, the total amount is at least 40,<>-<>,<> yuan.

As a first-tier city that took the lead in implementing "recognizing housing without recognizing loans", the new policy of Guangzhou and Shenzhen is more of more symbolic significance. Following the "three axes" (reducing the down payment ratio and loan interest rate for the purchase of the first home, tax exemptions for improved housing purchases, and "recognizing houses without recognizing loans" for personal housing loans on July 7, on August 28, the three departments promoted "housing recognition without loans" as a policy tool and included them in the "one city, one policy" toolbox for cities to choose independently. Therefore, whether first-tier cities will be liberalized in recent days has attracted much attention.

According to the different identification standards for the first house and the second house, it can be divided into three types: "recognizing the house and recognizing the loan", "recognizing the house without recognizing the loan" and "recognizing the loan without recognizing the house", and the degree of strictness decreases in order. The recognition standard is closely related to the threshold for buying a house, and the impact on first-tier cities where it is difficult to "get on the bus" is more significant. Looking at the previous rounds of regulation, it is not difficult to find that the implementation of "recognizing houses and loans" when the property market is overheated can suppress speculators; When the market returns to rationality, appropriate relaxation of standards can better ensure reasonable housing demand. Today, the relationship between supply and demand in China's real estate market has undergone profound changes, and it is necessary to boost housing demand to adapt to the new situation. As a net inflow of population into cities for many years, the proportion of Guangzhou-Shenzhen improvement rigid demand groups and new citizen groups is high, and the advantages of implementing the policy of "recognizing housing but not recognizing loans" are also higher than those in third- and fourth-tier cities. The release of demand will further boost confidence in the property market.

Whether other first-tier cities will follow suit depends on the local population composition, consumption level, housing demand, etc., and the four words of "city-specific policies" are clearly summarized. At the end of July, first-tier cities intensively stated that they would optimize real estate policies, and the reason why there has been no movement in the past one month may be how to combine encouraging rigid demand with curbing speculation. After all, the demand for housing in first-tier cities is still relatively strong, and the policy strength directly affects market sentiment, and the real estate policy also involves a series of issues such as settlement and population movement. Of course, it is also necessary to consider the continuity and stability of the policy, and implement the long-term mechanism of real estate, and the relevant actions must be prudent and cautious.

It is certain that the main theme of this round of regulation is loose, loose and tight, and the optimization direction is to support rigid and improved housing demand and promote the stable and healthy development of the real estate market. (Nanfang Daily)