Shenzhen went to Hong Kong for the first time to carry out a local debt roadshow

The 2023 Shenzhen Local Government Bond Overseas Issuance Roadshow was successfully completed in Hong Kong

Shenzhen Special Economic Zone News (Reporter Duan Linjun) The reporter learned from the Shenzhen Municipal Bureau of Finance that on August 8, the Shenzhen Municipal Government went to Hong Kong to successfully complete the 28 offshore RMB local government bond roadshow. The roadshow was held at the Hong Kong Monetary Authority and was the first time that a local government from the Mainland went to Hong Kong to carry out a roadshow of local bonds, and it was also the third time that Shenzhen issued offshore local bonds in Hong Kong after its national debut in 2023 and continued to successfully issue offshore RMB local bonds in 2021. Paul Chan, Financial Secretary of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, Huang Min, Executive Vice Mayor of Shenzhen Municipal Government, and Li Tat-chi, Deputy Executive Director of the Hong Kong Monetary Authority, attended the meeting and delivered speeches.

It is reported that the roadshow in Hong Kong received high attention from investors, and after the roadshow information announcement, investors enthusiastically signed up, and finally attracted 37 investment institutions from China, the United Kingdom, Germany, France, Switzerland, Malaysia and other places to the scene. Representatives of the Treasury Department of the Ministry of Finance, the Financial Services and Treasury Bureau of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, the Hong Kong and Macao Affairs Office of Shenzhen Municipality attended the roadshow meeting.

Dai Jintao, Director of Shenzhen Municipal Bureau of Finance, gave a roadshow demonstration to global investors, introducing Shenzhen's development history, development status and credit strength, and looking forward to future development goals. Dai Jintao also responded to the general concerns of investors on Shenzhen's financial and people's livelihood investment, government debt, the use of funds raised, and cross-border exchanges between Shenzhen and Hong Kong.

It is understood that the proposed issuance period of Shenzhen offshore bonds is 2, 3 and 5 years, and the total issuance scale will not exceed 50 billion yuan, including green bonds and social responsibility bonds, of which the social responsibility bond is the first time that the mainland government has issued it overseas. In terms of the use of funds, the 2-year bond funds are mainly used for construction projects in the field of education; The three-year green bond is mainly invested in rail transit and water governance projects, aiming to promote green development, circular development and low-carbon development, promote the formation of a green and low-carbon development mode with low consumption, less emissions, energy recycling and sustainability, and further implement the major national strategy of "carbon peaking and carbon neutrality"; The 3-year bond is a social responsibility bond, which is mainly invested in projects such as medical and health care, education, and renovation of old residential areas, helping to improve the level of equalization of basic public services, improve the multi-level social security system, accelerate the creation of a benchmark for people's livelihood happiness, and build a people's livelihood development pattern of joint construction, co-governance and common prosperity.

Shenzhen's issuance of offshore local bonds in Hong Kong for three consecutive years is not only an innovative practice to continue to explore and deepen the reform of local debt management, but also a powerful measure to implement the Implementation Opinions of the Ministry of Finance on Supporting Shenzhen to Explore and Innovate the Fiscal Policy System and Management System, and will help give play to Shenzhen's pioneering role as a demonstration and core engine function in the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area, and further promote the interconnection of financial markets in the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area. (Shenzhen Special Economic Zone News)