Led by their strikers Arnaud Kalimuendo (20th), Amine Gouiri (51st), Jérémy Doku (67th) and Ibrahim Salah (87th, 90th+4), well supported by the technical ease of the rookie Le Fée, very comfortable for his official debut, Rennes have assumed their status as entry.

"Enzo Le Fée speaks the same football as many players of this team," praised after the match his coach Bruno Genesio, who despite the score and the performance of his team, felt that "in tighter games, it will not be enough".

The Bretons will travel to Lens next Sunday (20:45), for a much more consistent test, against the runners-up PSG of last season, beaten in Brest and who will be under pressure.

For its part, Laszlo Bölöni's troupe, which showed that it had qualities, especially to hurt against but had shortcomings on the defensive level. The reception of OM next Friday (21:00) will already be important for the partners of Ismaël Traoré, who, them, obviously aim to maintain.

"I'm not too dejected, the result is so logical that it's not worth looking for excuses," Boloni said after the game. "The goal is to learn as quickly as possible."

Constant pressure

At Roazhon Park, Bruno Genesio's group exerted constant pressure on the Lorraine goals. Under the eyes of the owner of the club, the billionaire François Pinault, came to the stadium, Rennes quickly collected dangerous situations in front of the doorman Oukidja, first by Gouiri (3rd, 5th), then Doku (10th).

Arnaud Kalimuendo after opening the scoring for Rennes against Metz on August 13, 2023 in Rennes © LOU BENOIST / AFP

Before finding the fault a first time: attentive on a shot pushed back by Baptiste Santamaria, Kalimuendo was the first scorer of the season of the Bretons (1-0, 20th).

But, on the kick-off, the Messins, until then very timid because stifled by the opposing pressure, equalized by Youssef Maziz (1-1, 21st). Not enough to discourage the partners of the neo-captain Bourigeaud, who continued to support, Santamaria being close to giving back the advantage to his own (37th).

The decision was drawn in the second half for the Red and Black, against Messins totally cornered. The center of Assignon was taken by Bourigeaud and slightly deflected into the goal by Gouiri (2-1, 51st). Courted by many clubs, Doku also offered himself his goal, he who regaled the spectators with each of his ball catches and dribbles (3-1, 67th). At the end of the match, Ibrahim Salah, opportunistic twice on shots pushed back (87th then 90 + 4th), was responsible for adding to the bill.

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