• Rocío Flores family, on Rocío Carrasco: "Despite having destroyed my life, I have always had the position that she was my mother"
  • Trials The Supreme Court declares null the dismissal of Antonio David Flores

Rocío Carrasco (46) has been convicted by the 23rd Criminal Court of Madrid for not passing the pension of 200 euros to her son David Flores Carrasco (24). The sentence, advanced by El Periódico de España (EPE), considers her "author responsible for a crime ofnon-payment of pensions."

The conviction of the eldest daughter of Rocío Jurado can still be appealed before the Provincial Court of Madrid and according to the aforementioned media was issued on July 31. Carrasco has a six-month fine of five euros a day, with a total of 900 euros. He must also compensate his son with 13,200 euros plus interest, which corresponds to 66 monthly payments and five and a half years in which he did not fulfill his obligation.

His defense for not paying the pension has been based on the fact that he had his assets seized by the Tax Agency. Carrasco's fine could have been much higher. The Penal Code punishes with between six and 24 months of punishment and up to one year in prison. However, his son and plaintiff, David Flores did not want to ask for a prison sentence but only the money that corresponds to him.


In addition, the little Flores Carrasco withdrew the request that his sister Rocío Flores (26) appear as a witness. The expectation before the statement of Antonio David's daughter was extreme and in the Youtube channel Rights to the heart of the journalist Jesús Manuel Ruiz explained his intentions before this meeting, which did not occur because Carrasco did not attend the trial. "My position has always been super clear: despite the damage she has done to me and having destroyed my life as she has, I have always had the position that she was my mother. I wasn't going to testify against my mother. It's a decision that's made beforehand, it's not a decision that's made today."

Rocío Carrasco also tried to get her ex-husband and father of her children, Antonio David Flores, to step aside from the accusation against her but the judge did not accept it. In fact, in the sentence he maintains parental authority "extended" over his son since, due to his disability, "he does not have independence or autonomy of his own".

  • Antonio David Flores
  • Rocio Carrasco

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