"The hunters are the great heroes. They are there day and night, says Mikael Alm at the Swedish Transport Administration.

Obligation of the motorist

In Gävleborg County, 1836 wildlife accidents occurred last year, according to the National Wildlife Accident Council. By far the most common game that collided with cars was deer – 1650 of them.

If you hit a wild animal, it is the motorist's duty to report the incident to the police. If this is not done, the motorist will be guilty of hit-and-run and may be fined.

"Looking for tracks"

The police cooperate with the Swedish Hunters' Association, which sends out a search hunter to look for the animal and make the suffering as short as possible:

"We search with dogs. Looking for traces in the form of blood, pieces of bone and muscle pieces, says Roger Kölborg, county responsible hunter at the Swedish Hunters' Association in Västmanland.

Autumn accident prone

Now comes a period when the evenings become shorter. At dusk and dawn, motorists should be extra vigilant when driving along the roads. That's when the game starts moving.

– Probe over the roadway. Don't sit and just look right down at the asphalt. Where there are a lot of curves and dense vegetation, you should think that it can plop up a wild game here, Roger Kölborg urges motorists out in traffic.

Three questions about: Collision with wildlife – what to do

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This is what you should do, and not do, if you run into a wild animal. Photo: SVT