Alexandre Chauveau / Photo credit: Ludovic MARIN / AFP 21:20 pm, August 02, 2023

In an instruction obtained by Europe 1, the Minister of the Interior asks to "mobilize all the means necessary to monitor individuals and groups of individuals targeted as having been at the origin of violent actions during the riots" in order to guarantee security during the World Rugby and the Paris 2024 Olympic Games.

A month after the urban riots that affected more than 500 municipalities throughout France, causing a lot of damage to public and private buildings, Gérald Darmanin received the executives of the Ministry of the Interior in recent days. He gave them "clear and strong instructions" according to the minister's entourage. The objective: to maintain order in the long term, especially in view of the major sporting events that the France must host.

Maintaining order over time

Among them, the Rugby World Cup in September and the Olympic Games next summer. To do this, Gérald Darmanin asked the security forces to be on alert and to intensify monitoring, both of individuals known for acts of violence, and of groups involved in the riots.

Gérald Darmanin thus asks the intelligence services to "strengthen now their system of anticipation of this type of event". In the same letter, the tenant of the Place Beauvau indicates that "work is undertaken to understand with hindsight the causes of these events".