Enshi, 8 August -- Question Remembered by Chen Congo, colonel of the Enshi Military Subdistrict in Hubei Province: Change the battle position and charge again

Authors: He Wutao, Yang Ju, Chen Yichen

It was the height of summer, everything was luxuriant, and more people traveled to Enshi, Hubei.

On the interview road, the mountain road has eighteen bends and the waterway is nine links, and the scenery along the way is fascinating. However, in Chen Congo's view, mountains are not only mountains, water is not only water, mountains, rivers, lakes, roads, bridges and ditches are all "data packets" of national defense mobilization potential in Chen Congo's heart.

The "data package" that Chen Gong has in mind comes from the intelligent command information system he led to develop, which is an intelligent command control and dispatch system that can be used by military and local emergency rescue departments and is conducive to efficient execution of emergency tasks.

Chen Congo on the training ground. Photo by Su Yi

The intelligent command information system is not Chen's biggest innovation, but it is a breakthrough that he values the most. Chen Congo has a glorious past. In 2001, he joined the army with the ambition of serving the country in space, rooted in the Gobi for 200 years, participated in more than <> major experimental missions, led the team to overcome more than ten major technical problems, and successively won a number of major scientific research results.

In 2018, after the reform of the size structure and force formation of the army began, an order ordered Chen Congo to be transferred to the Enshi Military Subdistrict in Hubei Province as a colonel and chief.

At first, he was persuaded: "You have been dedicated to the desert for 17 years, and now you can finally return to your hometown, so you will shift your focus to your family and stop fighting for work." Standing at a fork in the road in life, Chen Congo did not wander too much, and still chose to continue to charge.

From the Strategic Support Force to the National Defense Mobilization System, the transition has become a difficult hurdle for Chen Congo. "In the past, dealing with equipment instruments for a long time; Now, it's more about dealing with people. At the beginning of his term of office, Chen Conggong faced a lot of "dissatisfaction".

Conscription was the first challenge facing Chen. Hubei Enshi is an ethnic minority area, the local economy is underdeveloped, the number of colleges and universities is small, the number of college students is very limited, it has been difficult to make a breakthrough in the recruitment of high-quality soldiers, and the recruitment work has long been at the bottom of the province.

In view of the practical problem of difficulty in conscription, Chen Congo decided to start with his "hard wounds" of poor communication and ask the masses. In the following two months, Chen Jianggong visited the villages and villages of Tujia Miaozhai, traveled more than 1000,30 kilometers of mountain roads, visited more than 50 administrative villages in more than 300 townships and towns, visited more than 100 villagers' families, and had sincere discussions and exchanges with more than <> militia company commanders.

As the investigation progressed, the crux gradually emerged. "College students in ethnic minority areas are most influenced by relatives, neighbors, and especially village cadres." Chen Congo decided to change the previous thinking of only focusing on colleges and universities, extend the tentacles of conscription to the grassroots level, and coordinate the military and local governments to jointly introduce supporting incentives for the recruitment of college students and soldiers, so as to change the stereotype of a small number of people who enlist in the army.

Maoping Village, Daluba District, Xianfeng County, is a small remote village, and there are only about 10 young people of school age in the entire village every year, and no one has joined the army for more than ten consecutive years. After learning of this situation, Chen Conggong visited the village several times, publicized the military service policy house-to-house, and talked with young people of appropriate age one by one. Since then, the village has had young people of school age enlist every year, all of whom are university graduates.

Chen Conggong talks with young conscripts at the military recruitment service station in Enshi City. Photo by Su Yi

A series of recruitment reform measures quickly paid off, and the following year, Enshi's recruitment work fought a "turnaround battle", from the last place in the past ranking to the first square in the province. What makes Chen Congo even happier is that he has found the confidence to transform.

Less "routines" for peace and more "ideas" for war, this is Chen Congo's transformation experience. Potential investigation is an important area of national defense mobilization, which has not received due attention in the past due due to multiple factors. In 2019, Chen Congo led military and civilian personnel to gather wisdom for four months to tackle key problems, and won the first place in the provincial evaluation in one fell swoop under the condition that resources were not superior.

However, the massive amount of data obtained from the statistical survey of defense mobilization potential made Chen Gonggong sleepless. "Such a huge and complex potential information, without a digital platform unified, is a pile of dead data. To really start a war, the vast potential figures are a burden of information. "Under the promotion of Chen Congo, the research and development of intelligent command information system has gradually become a consensus.

Everyone understands the truth, but at the level of implementation, some people have retreated. "Engaging in research and development is not a masterpiece, people, technology, funds, which are not easy. Besides, what is not available in developed areas, why should we eat this 'crab' in a poor mountainous area."

"Preparing for war does not distinguish between the front and the rear, as long as it is conducive to winning, no matter how great the difficulty, we must work hard to do it." In order to persuade the military and local leaders, Chen Congo has conducted in-depth local investigations more than ten times, submitted feasibility reports, and finally impressed the state leaders with his single-minded dedication to the war, squeezed out the special start-up funds for research and development, and "established the project in the same year, started construction in the same year."

From military demand reporting to mobilization planning and implementation, from operational organization and command to potential system construction, from big data analysis to neural network learning... In every new field, Chen Congo is obsessed with research like a demon, leading the R&D team to tackle key problems. After two years of research and ten months of construction, the first phase of the intelligent command information system project was finally initially completed and put into practice in September 2021.

Chen's tens of thousands of words of handwritten notes are one of his most valuable assets. Photo by Su Yi

In April 2022, the Hubei Provincial Military District organized a mountain search and rescue exercise in Enshi. Relying on the intelligent command information system, from UAV detection and backhaul, to target recognition and positioning, action path planning, and action plan generation, it took less than two minutes, and the debut won a full house.

The world is afraid of the word "serious". Chen Congo said: "National defense mobilization and scientific research work seem to be worlds apart, but one reason makes sense, they are all support and service preparations for war, as long as we work with a war mentality, nothing can be done." (End)