Beijing, 8 Aug (ZXS) -- The G2 Ministerial Meeting on Environment and Climate Sustainability was recently held in Chennai, India. China calls on G20 countries to strengthen action and practical cooperation to address global challenges such as climate change, environmental pollution, land desertification, food security and ecological security.

The conference delved into global environmental and climate issues such as climate change, the blue economy, resource efficiency and circular economy, land and biodiversity, and water management. Zhao Yingmin, Vice Minister of the Ministry of Ecology and Environment of the People's Republic of China, led a Chinese delegation composed of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Ministry of Ecology and Environment to attend the meeting and make a speech.

The Chinese side pointed out that China adheres to the people-centered approach, firmly establishes and practices the concept that green waters and green mountains are golden mountains and silver mountains, actively and steadily promotes carbon peaking and carbon neutrality, forges ahead in a new journey of Chinese-style modernization in which man and nature live in harmony, and supports high-quality development with a high-quality ecological environment. China has always adhered to the concept of a community with a shared future for mankind, and will continue to play the leading role of the presidency of the 15th Conference of the Parties to the Convention on Biological Diversity, promote the process of global biodiversity conservation, strengthen international cooperation in addressing climate change and pollution control, and contribute Chinese wisdom and strength to global environmental and climate governance.

China stressed that as the main forum for international economic cooperation, the G20 bears important responsibilities in promoting global sustainable development, integrating economic development and environmental protection, and addressing climate change. The G20 should strive to build political consensus among countries, fully respect the different stages of development and national conditions of each country, exchange and share best practices and lessons learned, encourage countries to strengthen practical actions, promote international solidarity and cooperation to actively address climate change, and jointly enhance the world's confidence and ability to achieve green, low-carbon and sustainable development.

China calls on G20 countries to strengthen action and practical cooperation, work hand in hand, unite and cooperate and forge ahead courageously to address global challenges such as climate change, environmental pollution, land desertification, food security and ecological security, and jointly move towards a better future with a sound ecological environment and sustainable climate.

During the meeting, China held bilateral talks with the Indian Presidency of the G20, ministers from France, Denmark, Canada, South Africa, Singapore and other countries, as well as the Executive Director of UN Environment and the heads of the secretariats of the Convention on Biological Diversity and the Framework Convention on Climate Change. (End)