In the Chelyabinsk region, a 51-year-old man was detained on suspicion of kidnapping a girl in 2009. According to preliminary data, he held the kidnapped woman in his house for 14 years until she managed to escape, the regional department of the TFR reported.

According to investigators, in the fall of 2009, the suspect met a 19-year-old girl in Chelyabinsk and invited her to visit to drink together. When they arrived at his private house in the village of Smolino, the man locked her up and never let her out. The girl managed to escape only the other day, when the kidnapper began to exacerbate mental illness and was taken to the hospital.

Now the suspect is in a medical institution under the supervision of law enforcement officers.

A criminal case has been opened under Part 2 of Article 126 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation ("Kidnapping"). Investigative actions are underway on the territory of a private house. The prosecutor's office of the Chelyabinsk region put the investigation of the case under control.

Testimony of the captive

As RT found out, the suspect's name is Vladimir Cheskidov and at the time of the abduction he lived in a private house not alone, but with elderly parents. His father died a few years ago, and his 75-year-old mother is now retired.

The kidnapped Ekaterina B. grew up in an orphanage and after the disappearance "they almost did not look for her," a law enforcement source told RT. He added that the only native person who was worried about the fate of Catherine was her sister.

"When he brought the girl into the house, he showed her a knife and locked her in a room. There she lived all 14 years, "said the interlocutor of RT.

According to him, Vladimir's mother all these years allegedly did not know that her son had kidnapped the girl and was holding her by force. She believed that he lived in the next half of the house with his roommate. Catherine managed to escape from captivity when her kidnapper went into a binge.

"He recently had a birthday. In the last week, he began to drink often about this, and in the end his mother called him a psychiatric ambulance because he became inadequate, "a source told RT.

Earlier, the media reported that when Vladimir was placed in a psychiatric hospital, his mother helped Ekaterina escape. However, RT sources do not confirm this version.

"There is no information that his mother helped this woman escape. Vladimir simply forgot to lock the room in which he kept the captive. Catherine was able to leave and immediately ran to her sister, who lives in the city, "the RT interlocutor added.

  • According to an RT source, the suspect held the captive in one of the rooms in the house
  • © Frame: video of the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation

After 33-year-old Catherine went to the police with a statement, she told the horrific details of her captivity. According to her, for all 14 years, the kidnapper regularly raped her and beat her on the head. She even forgot her sister's phone.

In addition, Ekaterina said that at one time in the house of Vladimir lived another kidnapped girl, whom he killed.

"The deceased woman's name was Oksana, at the time of her death she was about 30 years old. Vladimir also held her. According to the escapee, one day Oksana and Vladimir were in the barn and quarreled there: the man stabbed the victim several times in the head with a knife and finished him off with a nailer. He dismembered the body and tried to burn it, but it didn't work out - he buried it. His mother allegedly did not know anything about the murder, "an RT law enforcement source added.

According to him, Catherine's testimony was confirmed after human bones were found in the courtyard of a private house. Later, the Investigative Committee confirmed this information and announced the initiation of a criminal case on murder (Article 105 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation).

"During the investigation of the criminal case, the involvement of the suspect in the murder of a local resident in 2011 was established ... After committing the murder, the suspect dismembered the woman's body and buried the remains in the cellar of the house," the UK said.

As RT found out, for all 14 years, Ekaterina was in captivity just 10 km from her home - on the opposite shore of Lake Smolino. Catherine and her sister lost their mother early and ended up in an orphanage.

"At first, my sister returned from the orphanage, then three years later Katya. They were given a room, like orphans, in the same house where they lived until their mother's death. Katya lived here for a while, in our house, and disappeared. And her sister got married and moved. I recently met her and asked her about Katya. She says: "I am still wanted," a neighbor who has known the girls since childhood told RT.

"I said that my son lives with a girl"

As RT found out, Vladimir Cheskidov grew up in the village of Smolino, studied at a local school. At the age of 17, he was convicted of robbery, he served time in a colony. Residents of the village said that the man practically did not leave the house: the neighbors did not see him for many years.

According to local resident Natalia, recently Cheskidov went out only at night to work on the site.

"His mother constantly said that her son was in Moscow, then in some other city. Cheskydov's wife died about seven years ago. At that time, they lived in an apartment building and Vladimir's mother said that the woman washed the windows and fell out of the window of the seventh floor. And about three years ago, his father died. They said that he slipped, "Natalia said in an interview with RT. "But now we understand that Vladimir could have thrown his wife out of the window, and his father could not have died a natural death."

Cheskidov's 75-year-old mother sold glasses in the village. One of her clients, a local resident, anonymously told RT that he once came to the family's private home, where, as it turned out later, the captive had been held for many years.

"The house was not cleaned, the windows were curtained. Old furniture and CRT TV. She (Cheskydov's mother. - RT) then told us that her son lives in the next part of the house with a young girl. But at the same time, in winter, even the snow has never been removed from this part of the house. Today we just realized that if we had heard something in the house then, we would not have come out of there alive," he said.

  • © Frame: video of the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation

According to him, Cheskidov's mother used to work in the regional specialized neuropsychiatric hospital No. 1 in Smolin. The pensioner led an active lifestyle, communicated with people, the interlocutor of RT added.

"She came to visit us. She told me that she goes to the local recreation center for all sorts of entertainment, for example, to the concerts "Play, accordion". In general, she was an interesting interlocutor: she talked about her life, that in the 1990s she worked as a shuttle, "the man shared.

The village of Smolino is located on the shore of the lake of the same name. In the summer season, this place is very popular with tourists. Now more than a thousand people live in the village. According to local residents, the value of real estate has increased in recent years.

"I've been in Smolino for 23 years. Even now, people live with open gates - it's so safe here. If ten years ago they left here, now, on the contrary, everyone wants to come, even young people are settling down. There is a school, a kindergarten, two chain stores, there is all the infrastructure, "local resident Elena told RT.

According to her, Festivalnaya Street, where the Cheskidov family lives, is located in one of the quietest areas of the village.

"Opposite their house are two high-rise buildings and a playground. Children play even without adults - as we thought, it is safe here. It is impossible to believe that this happened right under your nose, "the interlocutor of RT added.