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In Bamboo they combine euphoria with uncertainty. The cheers for the success of the debate and the closing of a campaign without errors, they say, with the unknown generated by the numbers. Vox comes from being the party that grew the most on 28-M, but on Sunday it will retreat. They predict it until the polls that the leadership manages. But the conviction that Santiago Abascal will hold the key to the governability of the right clears any hesitation.

Although to acquire this important role Vox will have to obtain a presence in Congress with enough weight to become inescapable for Alberto Núñez Feijóo. The degree of satisfaction of the election night will be measured "seat by seat", says a high command of the formation. Each deputy won or lost, as well as the final weight of the party in each province, could prove decisive in the final count.

But in Vox nobody dares to put a limit to the success or to fix the electoral ground of this Sunday. A week ago the internal polls estimated at 40 the deputies that Vox will get the next legislature, twelve below what was achieved in 2019. But the demoscopic houses, from the beginning of the campaign, marked the result of Vox, in the best of cases, in 20 seats below the historic 52 parliamentarians obtained four years ago. A feat that could be surpassed, they defend in Vox, if the next deputies, whatever their number, allow a change of political cycle in our country and, with it, the entry of Vox into a coalition government.

It is "impossible" to fall below 30 seats, guarantees another voice from the heart of the party, which justifies its sentence in the good feelings left by the campaign. This is what Vox clings to in general, to the incomparable response of the street to Abascal throughout these weeks, a phenomenon that would prove the strength of a hidden vote that also misled the polls in the last general elections, when Vox soared. The powerful acts and attendance data in the final stretch in key places of the party -Toledo, Guadalajara, Murcia, Madrid- reinforce the hope of the environment of the president of the party, who seeks to maintain the support of the almost four million Spaniards who opted for the green and three-letter ballot in November 2019.

Whether or not to remain in the environment of 15% -difficult objective but to which the leadership does not renounce-, as in the last electoral appointment, will depend on Vox maintaining its third place in the Congress of Deputies and not suffering the overtaking of Sumar. The latest survey of Sigma Dos for EL MUNDO, published last Monday, predicted the sorpasso as a result of a collapse of those of Abascal.

Yesterday, the leader of Vox used his last message to appeal to PP voters to think about their vote, which would mean the "whitening" of Sánchez: "The blue button stopped working a long time ago, I dare to ask for your confidence."

Whatever happens, Vox faces its most crucial appointment this Sunday. Nothing that has been achieved so far is comparable to the milestone that would mean entering the Government with the role of stability insurer for the right. A historic step that would be achieved in record time, just nine years after the founding of the party. In Bamboo they recognize that the acceleration of Vox especially in the last five years, as a result of the consequences of the procés, continues to surprise when analyzed: the irruption in Andalusia giving the bell at the end of 2018 gave way to the consolidation of the party in Europe and the entry into important squares such as the Assembly of Madrid or the more than fifty deputies in Congress since 2019, which allowed the presentation of dozens of appeals of unconstitutionality to the norms of sanchismo. Unprecedented opposition, they say.

In February of last year Vox entered for the first time in a regional government -Castilla y León- and extended the palmares less than two months ago in the Valencian Community, Extremadura or in several municipalities of weight, which allowed to deploy an important organic and institutional network at the territorial level. Being decisive in a change of course in Spain would be the jewel in the crown, the icing on a cycle as unforgettable as unthinkable for Santiago Abascal and his family less than a decade ago.


IN 2019

Third force. Vox gave the surprise and bowed to the polls: with 3.6 million votes (15.21%), it was placed as the third force with 52 seats.


Sinking. Sigma Dos predicted a fall to 11.2%, which would leave Abascal with 26-29 deputies and being fourth force.

  • General Elections
  • Politics
  • To:
  • Santiago Abascal Conde

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