The festival Utmarksmusik is part of the arrangements linked to the Utmarks Museum in Ransby.

At Utmarksfesten you will hear Hollow Ship from Gothenburg and their psychedelic rock. The Swedish Folk Jazz Quartet has dug through recordings by older fiddlers and been fascinated by the expression, their music brings together elements from both folk music and jazz.

The festival starts with a bunch of local fiddlers – Bibbi Bengtsson, Perjos Lars Halvasson and Maria Rörås start the festival with herding music of gale and horn.

Maryam Javedmehr and Shekufeh Pariab transport the audience to Persia, playing instruments whose function has been largely unchanging for 5,000 years.

"Persian folk music up in northern Värmland, it's not heard every day," says Johan Berthling.

In the clip we hear Johan Berthling talk about Utmarksmusiken.