The Syrian News Agency (SANA) reported that US forces carried out an airdrop on Friday in the Deir Ezzor countryside area, accusing them of kidnapping a number of citizens.

The agency said that what it called the US occupation forces kidnapped a number of citizens during an airdrop carried out with the participation of the so-called Syrian Democratic Forces - led and formed by the backbone of the Kurdish People's Protection Units - in the town of Jadid Akidat in the eastern countryside of Deir Ezzor.

The airdrop was accompanied by heavy and indiscriminate gunfire on residents' homes and surrounding agricultural land, he said.

The agency quoted local sources as saying that US forces and Kurdish elements surrounded the town, raided a number of houses, "kidnapped 3 citizens and took them to the occupation bases near the area."

U.S. Forces in Syria

U.S. forces are deployed in southeastern Syria where the al-Tanf base was established, as well as to the northeast of the country, specifically near Hasaka and Deir Ezzor, where oil-rich areas are located.

According to U.S. estimates, there are about 900-2000,55 U.S. troops in a strip about <> kilometers long.

Last month, Anadolu Agency reported, citing local sources, that a US military convoy consisting of 75 vehicles entered on June 19 and 20 in the province of Hasaka in northeastern Syria, coming from Iraq.

The sources pointed out that the destination of the military convoy was US military bases and points in the areas of Al-Shadadi and Rmelan, which are under the control of the so-called Syrian Democratic Forces, according to Anadolu Agency.

According to the sources, the convoy included armored vehicles, oil tanks and artillery equipment, in addition to large quantities of ammunition.