A fire broke out inside a Syrian refugee camp in the northern Lebanese town of Bahnin on Friday morning, causing material damage to a number of tents without causing injuries.

Fire crews rushed to the scene to put out the fire and move refugees out of the camp.

Lebanese security forces also opened an investigation to determine the causes of the fire.

Refugee Data

On the other hand, the Acting Director General of the Lebanese General Security, Elias Al-Besri, announced that Lebanon is determined to obtain all data on displaced Syrians from the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, without conditions, to prevent causing problems that may occur in the future.

This is "related to the right of the Lebanese state and the sovereignty of its decision", al-Beysri said.

"One of the reasons for obtaining these data is to prevent administrative and security problems that may occur in the future, especially with regard to birth registration and not becoming maktobin," he said, adding that "Lebanon is not a country of asylum, but a transit country based on the agreement signed between Lebanon and the United Nations Refugee Organization in 2003."

"We will do everything necessary to protect the interests of Lebanon and the Lebanese and compensate for the losses we suffered throughout the years of crisis at all levels," al-Bisri said.

It is noteworthy that the number of displaced Syrians in Lebanon is estimated at about two million. The Lebanese authorities demand the safe and dignified return of displaced Syrians to their country.