At the campsite outside Gävle, they are teeming with caravans, motorhomes, tents and happy holidaymakers. But Ann-Mari Eriksson and her partner live just a short drive from the campsite and spend most of the summer there:

"We have year-round space. I am so old and have travelled and seen so much, you start to see that Sweden is nice and we have a great time here on the Gävle coast, says Ann-Mari Eriksson.

Summer garden

The motorhome looks like any other, but next to the motorhome there is a summer garden.

"When it's not summer, I cover the garden, and then we take them up again in the spring," says Ann-Mari Eriksson.

Close to home

Ann-Mari and her partner live in Gävle and think it's nice that it's close to home, but see many advantages with camping life.

"The best thing about camping is that you are free. If you don't want to stand here, you can leave. It's like living in the countryside," she says.

Follow us into Ann-Mari's garden in the clip.