The PP has reacted forcefully to the "trick" of the PNV to denounce a false pact with EH Bildu in the City of Vitoria. The 'popular' spokesperson in the capital of Alava Ainhoa Domaica has announced that she resigns from the 5 presidencies of municipal commissions to be occupied by the PSOE and the PNV. A decision with which it intends to counteract the complaint made by the deputy mayor of Vitoria Beatriz Artolazabal on "pact" between EH Bildu and the PP to share the 11 presidencies of the municipal commissions. The obvious accusation is that in the City Council of Vitoria it is the opposition parties that assume this presidency and that Elkarrekin Podemos resigned from these functions by having only two representatives.

The Basque PP has decided to puncture the balloon activated by the PNV in Álava on a hypothetical pact between 'popular' and EH Bildu on the distribution of control of the municipal presidencies. The PP promised during the electoral campaign of 28-J to prevent EH Bildu from governing in the Basque town halls and the six councilors of Feijóo in Vitoria facilitated that the socialist Maider Etxebarria was invested mayor. Rocío Vitero, the candidate of EH Bildu who won at the polls, then denounced the alleged agreement between PSOE, PNV and PP to prevent her election.

But the tight electoral duel between PNV and EH Bildu in last Sunday's elections explains the latest movement of Andoni Ortuzar's party. Its deputy mayor Beatriz Artolazabal has denounced today the existence of a non-existent agreement – as confirmed by spokesmen of PP and EH Bildu – on a matter of internal organization.

"Today, in this town hall, in the first of the opportunities that EH Bildu and the PP have had to negotiate, agree and agree they have done so," said Beatriz Artolazabal, the former counselor of the Government of Urkullu to which the PNV resorted to maintain the Mayor's Office held by Gorka Urtaran until the local elections. Artolazabal criticizes the "cynicism" of the Abertzale left that during the last weeks has fed the willingness of the PNV to agree with the PP of Feijóo.

"These two formations [by EH Bildu and PP], leaving us aside to the rest, have sat down, have agreed and have supported each other to share the presidencies of all the municipal commissions," he said.

However, the two municipal groups have only organized the distribution of the presidencies based on the criterion traditionally used in this Consistory. A system that allows the most voted group to have more presidencies and elect in the first place in an alternative way. EH Bildu will chair 6 commissions and the PP of Vitoria 5, which has been ratified by the municipal plenary with the votes in favor of these two groups and Elkarrekin Podemos. Both the PSE-EE and the PNV abstained.

Artolazabal's denunciation occurs in the last hours of an intense electoral campaign that, as happened last 28-M, places all the parties with few differences. EH Bildu has raised next Sunday's elections as a 'second round' of the local elections and given special prominence to Rocío Vitero, the candidate who won at the polls. PP and PSE-EE also aspire to win in Álava to reinforce the aspirations of Núñez Feijóo and Pedro Sánchez in the face of the presidency of the Spanish Government.

  • Bildu
  • PP
  • PNV
  • Elkarrekin Podemos
  • Vitoria-Gasteiz
  • Add
  • Álava
  • Alberto Núñez Feijóo
  • Pedro Sanchez
  • Basque Country Elections

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