In the autumn of 2021, several parents of children who attended a preschool class at one of Tellusbarn's schools in Enköping began to notice that there were problems with food and hungry children.

"My child got simple vegetarian dishes, lots of chickpeas. They sometimes thought the food was disgusting and never felt full, says the mother.

The parents started a group on Facebook where they shared their experiences.

– There was a lot of concern in the school management when we parents expressed criticism to the principals and food manager for the Tellus group, says the mother to SVT.

In several screenshots of the group's conversations, the parents' criticism and concerns are evident.

Parents in Enköping gave support food to the children so that they could be fed Photo: Screenshot

Shares for SEK 100,000

The mother, who SVT spoke to, says that the Tellus Group has preschools in socio-economically vulnerable areas, where not everyone always knows what applies at a preschool.

"When I read about the review of the preschool in Rinkeby, I was upset. We in Enköping come from resourceful homes, we can take the fight against our school. But if you are new to Sweden, you may place your child in a preschool without knowing the business, says the mother.

SVT Stockholm has sought Minister for Education Lotta Edholm for an interview. In an email, she replies the following:

''What is being reported is completely unacceptable. It's absolutely nothing that I knew about then (about the stingy food budget) and as Minister for Education, I don't think it's something that should be allowed to happen.''

Lotta Edholm (L) owned 12,500 shares in the Tellus Group, which she had bought for SEK 100,000. According to her own information, she sold the shares at the same share price just before she became Minister of Education in October last year.

SVT has also sought Tellusbarn's CEO Bijan Fahimi, who does not want to be interviewed.