It is noted that in the Zaporozhye (Orekhovsky and Polozhsky) direction, after heavy losses, the Armed Forces of Ukraine are transferring the reserves of the 128th OGSHBR to the front lines in the vicinity of the village of Pyatikhatki, which is 43 km southeast of the city of Zaporozhye. Also, due to heavy losses, the reserves of the 65th Mechanized Brigade and the 108th Territorial Defense Brigade of the Armed Forces of Ukraine are being pulled up.

In the second echelon, the Armed Forces of Ukraine organized the training of the mobilized 108th separate territorial defense brigade at a training ground near the village of Verkhnyaya Tersa. Also, enemy reserves and light equipment are accumulating in the area of Stepnogorsk and Plavnya, 15 km north of Vasilyevka.

"Both with reserves and with active units, the Armed Forces of Ukraine have difficulties. Due to the low level of moral and psychological state of the personnel, the 33rd Mechanized Brigade was unable to bring three mechanized companies into battle, and such incidents are noted almost everywhere, "the statement says.

At the same time, in the South Donetsk direction, the Armed Forces of Ukraine, apparently, plan to repeat the unsuccessful offensive. The plan involves sending units of the 35th and 36th Marine Brigades in the direction of Priyutny and Staromayorsky, presumably in the next few days. The first wave of the "meat assault" to open firing positions is again planned to launch territorial defense fighters.

"At the same time, a significant part of the infantry mobilized, as in Zaporozhye, refuses to go into battle and tries to desert," the Military Chronicle points out.

In the village of Temirovka, due to a shortage of air defense and drones, the 129th Territorial Defense Brigade, the 31st Mechanized Brigade and the 37th Brigade are actively pulling up additional Fury, Valkyrie and Leleka-100 UAVs.

At the same time, the Armed Forces of Ukraine were knocked out from positions west of the village of Staromayorskoye. After heavy losses, the ground forces of the Armed Forces of Ukraine did not try to counterattack and rolled back to the original ones.

Earlier, RT military correspondent Murad Gazdiyev showed how Russian paratroopers forced Ukrainian fighters to surrender, while the Armed Forces of Ukraine tried to prevent them by starting shelling "their own".