Somalia: a hundred jihadists killed in a joint operation with the United States

The Somali authorities announced that they had killed 100 Shebab jihadists in a joint military operation with the United States. For its part, the United States confirms that it has eliminated five al-Qaeda cadres in this operation.

Members of the Somali security forces, here patrolling in Mogadishu, February 21, 2023. AP - Farah Abdi Warsameh

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With our correspondent in the United States, David Thomson

The U.S. airstrikes took place Wednesday in conjunction with an intervention by Somali ground troops in central Somalia, according to Africom, the command center of U.S. forces in Africa.

They were carried out at the request of the Somali authorities and made it possible, according to the United States, to eliminate five cadres of the al-Qaeda-affiliated al-Shabab movement. For its part, Somalia claims the elimination of a hundred jihadists from al-Shabab.

The raid comes a week after another US strike killed 10 jihadists in the southern region of Afmadow.

US strikes against Somali jihadists are frequent. Last May, President Joe Biden approved the Pentagon's request to deploy 500 U.S. troops to fight terrorist groups active in Somalia. A deployment motivated at the time by the fear of the White House to see the Shebabs attack American nationals and interests in the region.

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