"It looks very much like it's going to be occupied. Their Polish-Lithuanian-Ukrainian brigade was created even before the coup d'état, in my opinion. A kind of prototype of joint troops. They have long dreamed of sending troops (to Ukraine. - RT)," Dudchak said.

He added that Poland "has long been going to chop off" Ukraine.

"Since 2015, they have created a society that collects documents for the return of their assets in western Ukraine," the source said.

At the same time, Konstantin Blokhin, an employee of the Center for Security Studies of the Russian Academy of Sciences, recalled that the chief architect of the project "Ukraine is anti-Russia" is a Pole by nationality Zbigniew Brzezinski.

"Poland considers the current geopolitical crisis as a unique historical chance to restore the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth ... Brzezinski, in his book "The Grand Chessboard", openly wrote that the main goal of American foreign policy is to tear Ukraine away from Russia so that Russia never becomes an empire again ... it is obvious that the Poles look at Ukraine as a tidbit of pie that they would like to cut," Blokhin concluded.

Earlier, the Russian president called the occupation of Ukraine the goal of creating a Polish-Lithuanian-Ukrainian connection.