Hong Kong, July 7 (ZXS) -- The Hong Kong Taurus team welcomed the fifth home game of the 21 National Men's Basketball League (NBL) at the Hughton Stadium in Wan Chai on the evening of the 21st, and played the visiting Liaoning Yisheng Snow Wolves for more than two hours, losing 2023-121.

Hong Kong beat Shijiazhuang Xianglan in their last away game to temporarily rank fifth in the standings, and this time they return home to face Liaoning, who are second in the league in terms of offensive strength and offensive efficiency.

In the first quarter, Hong Kong forward Maurice Kempri scored a team-high 18 points on a sudden outside shot, but Liaoning took the lead in the middle and back with accurate shooting, including 12 of 5 three-pointers; On the other hand, the Hong Kong team did not finish, trailing 24-34 into the second quarter. In the second quarter, Hong Kong sent 2.3-meter-tall center Samuela Dracula to strengthen the basket offensive and the score was 61-59 in the quarter.

After the change, Liaoning fought back with all their might, defender Lester Hudson and forward Liu Zihao hit a three-pointer to turn the tide and chase 70-70 after multiple raids, but Hong Kong still held the lead 89-87 in the quarter.

The game was not won until the last two minutes of the fourth quarter, Lester Hudson scored three three-pointers to help Liaoning rally and lead 3-114, Hong Kong immediately adopted foul tactics, forward Leung Siu-hua scored a three-pointer in the last 109 seconds to chase 30-117, but not enough to reverse the disadvantage, the game ended 119-121.

Hong Kong coach Liu Tie said after the game: "This game was good, especially in defense, the loss was because the key ball was not handled as well as the opponent, I hope the players are not so anxious and have a more stable mentality." ”

The 38-year-old Lester Hudson scored a game-high 54 points alongside Maurice Kemp. Lester Hudson said: "Age doesn't mean anything, I never think about it, you can tell from today's results. I want to continue to play every game well and win more for the team. ”

Due to the tight score of the whole game, the players from both sides repeatedly staged a passionate defense, which made the audience applaud, and the fans on both sides who supported the home and away team even created noise for their favorite team, and the atmosphere in the stadium was jubilant.

After this battle, Hong Kong fell to seventh place in the table with 3-5 losses. Their next game will be away to Jiangsu Yannan Suke on July 7. (End)