Mali: the new Constitution definitively adopted

The Constitutional Court proclaimed, Friday in Bamako, the final results of the referendum on the new draft Constitution. The new text was adopted with 96.91% of the vote.

Vote count after the referendum in Mali. © OUSMANE MAKAVELI / AFP

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With our regional correspondent, Serge Daniel

It is therefore with 96.91% for the yes and 3.09% for the no that the new Constitution of Mali was adopted, according to the final results proclaimed by the Constitutional Court this Friday. Regarding the participation rate, it is 38%. There was no crowd outside the polling stations.

Many petitions to the Constitutional Court have been rejected. For example, associations and political parties had called for the cancellation of the referendum vote, arguing that it had not taken place throughout the national territory. They were unsuccessful.

" READ ALSO Referendum in Mali: the new Constitution divides the country

What's changing

Now that the final results have been announced, Mali has a new constitution that gives more powers to the President of the Republic. It defines the policy of the nation and is now responsible for government policy. It can now refer the matter directly to the Assembly. With this text, it is also a second chamber, the Senate, that is born.

French is demoted and is no longer considered an official language, but the working language.

Another novelty, this text plans to fight against political nomadism. Now, if an elected member of the National Assembly wishes to join a political group other than the one with which he was elected, he will have to resign and stand again before the electorate.

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