CCTV News Client News (News Network): Premier Li Qiang presided over an executive meeting of the State Council on July 7 to listen to a report on the current flood prevention and drought control work, deliberate and adopt the "Guiding Opinions on Actively and Steadily Promoting the Transformation of Urban Villages in Megacities", and deliberate and adopt the "Regulations on Social Insurance Handling (Draft)".

The meeting emphasized that at present, in the critical period of flood prevention and drought control, all relevant departments in all localities should adhere to the principle of putting the people and lives first, and pay close attention to the work of flood prevention and drought control with a high sense of political responsibility. It is necessary to adhere to bottom-line thinking and extreme thinking, strengthen various preparations for flood prevention and drought control, redeploy, re-check and re-implement on the basis of existing work, consolidate the responsibilities of each link, pay attention to the use of the practical experience of grassroots cadres, and promptly take effective measures to eliminate hidden risks in key parts and weak links. It is necessary to persist in grasping both flood prevention and drought control, strictly prevent the concurrent occurrence of drought and flood, and the rapid change of drought and flood, accurately allocate drought-resistant water sources, and ensure the security of urban and rural water supply, especially the safety of water for grain production.

The meeting pointed out that actively and steadily implementing the transformation of urban villages in megacities is an important measure to improve people's livelihood, expand domestic demand, and promote high-quality urban development. It is necessary to persist in seeking progress while maintaining stability, actively and prudently, give priority to the transformation of urban villages with urgent needs of the masses and many hidden dangers in urban security and social governance, promote one by one when mature, implement one by one, and truly do good things well and do practical things. It is necessary to insist that urban people's governments take the main responsibility, strengthen organization and implementation, scientifically draw up transformation planning plans, raise funds for transformation through multiple channels, make efficient and comprehensive use of land resources, comprehensively handle the interests of all parties, and combine the transformation of urban villages with the construction of affordable housing. It is necessary to give full play to the decisive role of the market in the allocation of resources, better play the role of the government, increase policy support for the transformation of urban villages, actively innovate transformation models, encourage and support the participation of private capital, and strive to develop various new business formats to achieve sustainable operations.

The meeting pointed out that the legislation on social insurance handling is conducive to standardizing the behavior of handling services, improving the level of service management, and better protecting the rights and interests of the masses in social security. It is necessary to take the formulation of regulations as an opportunity to further solve the difficult problems and blocking points in the handling of social security affairs for the masses, innovate various service methods such as online and offline, and promote social security handling services to be more convenient and beneficial to the people. It is necessary to strengthen the supervision of social insurance funds, strengthen the construction of systems and mechanisms, strictly manage all links, severely punish violations of laws and regulations such as embezzlement, embezzlement, and insurance hedging fraud in accordance with the law, and ensure the safety of fund operation.

The meeting also looked at other matters.