For the first time, the half-year case filing breakdown data was released to increase the data of bribe-payers

Promote the development of strict party management in an all-round way and in depth

Interpret the supervision, inspection, review and investigation of discipline inspection and supervision organs across the country in the first half of the year

On July 7, the State Supervision Commission of the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection reported on the supervision, inspection, review and investigation of discipline inspection and supervision organs nationwide in the first half of 22. In the first half of the year, discipline inspection and supervision organs nationwide received 2023,168,6 petitions and reports, handled 82,8 clues on problems, filed 31,6 cases, and punished 25,8 people.

As a "semi-annual report" in the first year of implementing the spirit of the 20th CPC National Congress, this circular has new changes in content expression and specific data, fully embodies the phased results achieved by discipline inspection and supervision organs in implementing the spirit of the 20th CPC National Congress and the deployment of the Second Plenary Session of the 20th Central Commission for Discipline Inspection, and releases a strong signal to promote the comprehensive development of strict party management in depth with perseverance and tenacity that will always be on the road.

For the first time, the data on the subdivision of case filings was released, showing that there are no dead ends and gaps in managing the party and ruling the party

Compared with the previous ones, the data released this time has two significant changes: First, for the first time, the number of registered cases is subdivided into central management cadres, departmental and bureau-level cadres, county and department-level cadres, township and section-level cadres, as well as current or former village party branch secretaries and village committee directors. Second, the data related to the bribery personnel who filed the case were increased.

At the Second Plenary Session of the 20th Central Commission for Discipline Inspection, General Secretary Xi Jinping profoundly expounded the goals, tasks and practical requirements for improving the system of comprehensively and strictly administering the party, emphasizing that it is necessary to adhere to full coverage of the target, face the party organizations at all levels and all party members, and manage the whole party and the whole party, focusing on grasping the "key minority", managing the leading cadres with party members, especially senior cadres and "number one", and there are no special party members in managing the party and leaving no dead ends and gaps.

The first release of the subdivision data of the case registration is a specific measure to conscientiously implement General Secretary Xi Jinping's task requirements for improving the comprehensive and strict management of the party system, and implement the spirit of the 20th National Congress of the Party and the deployment of the Second Plenary Session of the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection.

The reporter combed and found that since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, the plenary session of the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection has released data on cadres in charge of cases in many cases, but this is the first time that this data has been released when regularly and routinely reporting on supervision and inspection and reviewing and investigating the situation.

In the first half of the year, discipline inspection and supervision organs nationwide filed cases with 36 cadres in charge of the case, 1588,1 cadres at the department and bureau level, and 3,18 cadres at the county and department level; 1355 cadres at the provincial and ministerial level, 1,<> cadres at the department and bureau level, and <>,<> cadres at the county and department level were punished. Agent. Strictly investigate and deal with the problem of leading cadres' spouses, children, their spouses and other relatives and staff members using their influence to seek personal gain.

Conforming to the people's yearning for a better life is the basic orientation of discipline inspection and supervision work, and resolutely rectifying "micro-corruption" around the masses is the key task of discipline inspection and supervision work. In the first half of the year, discipline inspection and supervision organs nationwide put on file a total of 4,2 township and section-level cadres; 3,1 current or former village party branch secretaries and directors of villagers' committees; 3,3 township section-level cadres, 3,6 ordinary cadres, and 17,8 rural and enterprise personnel were punished.

In February this year, the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection issued the "Opinions on Carrying Out Special Rectification of Unhealthy Tendencies and Corruption in the Field of Rural Revitalization," which proposed resolutely punishing all corrupt acts that harm the interests of the masses and winning the trust and support of the broad masses with the new results of upright practices and discipline. Discipline inspection and supervision organs at all levels have placed rectification of corruption and work style problems that are strongly reflected by the masses in a prominent position, thoroughly dealt with "micro-corruption" in the field of people's livelihood and "stumbling blocks" that hinder the implementation of policies to benefit the people, strengthened supervision and inspection of key projects, major funds, and important links, strictly investigated corruption and "protective umbrellas" behind criminal and evil cases, and promoted the extension of strict party management to the grassroots level in an all-round way, so that the people can truly feel the results and changes of positive trends and anti-corruption.

Persist in investigating bribery together, and increase the intensity of punishment for bribery

At the Second Plenary Session of the 20th Central Commission for Discipline Inspection, General Secretary Xi Jinping stressed the need to further improve the laws and regulations on punishing bribery, and improve the joint punishment mechanism for bribers. The Second Plenary Session of the 20th Central Commission for Discipline Inspection pointed out that it is necessary to persist in investigating bribery and bribery together, increase the punishment of bribery, and create and carry forward a good trend of advocating honesty and resisting corruption.

In March this year, the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection, the State Supervision Commission, and the Supreme People's Procuratorate jointly released five typical cases of bribery crimes. Some of the five cases released were multiple bribes, huge bribes, and bribes paid to multiple people; Some were bribes paid by party members and state functionaries; Some are bribes in key areas such as law enforcement and justice, and production safety; Some carry out major commercial bribery for the purpose of obtaining national mineral resources; Some are vainly trying to evade legal prosecution through bribery, which fully reflects the focus of the work of investigating and dealing with bribery crimes clearly stated at the Second Plenary Session of the 3th Central Commission for Discipline Inspection and the "Opinions on Further Promoting the Joint Investigation of Bribery and Bribery".

The circular increased the relevant data of bribery personnel in the first half of the year: 7657,1401 bribery personnel were filed and <>,<> were transferred to the procuratorate, further demonstrating the clear attitude and firm determination of discipline inspection and supervision organs to severely punish bribery crimes.

Since the beginning of this year, discipline inspection and supervision organs at all levels have strictly followed laws and regulations, while maintaining a high-pressure situation in punishing bribery crimes, have increased the intensity of punishment for bribery and severely punished bribe-givers in accordance with the law, forming a powerful deterrent. Strengthen the recovery and correction of improper benefits obtained from bribery in accordance with law, recover improper property interests to the greatest extent, recommend that relevant units correct improper and non-property interests, and never allow bribers to obtain improper benefits through bribery crimes or harm the national interest, the public interest, or the lawful rights and interests of others, and continuously improve the comprehensive effectiveness of punishing bribery.

The Chengdu Municipal Commission for Discipline Inspection and Supervision of Sichuan Province formulated and promulgated the "Working Mechanism for Severely Punishing Bribery (for Trial Implementation)", which promotes the concept of "three non-corruption" through the integrated use, clarifies 3 specific measures in three parts, such as handling bribery, carrying out joint punishment, and strengthening the use of results, and increases the intensity of investigation and handling of bribery units or individuals involved in the process of investigating and handling cases. At the same time, the "Briber Information Notification Letter" is produced based on the identity of the briber and the field involved in the bribery, etc., and the facts of the bribe and the materials on the briber's confession are notified to the corresponding units and Party organizations, and the relevant information of the briber is entered into the national briber information database. The Discipline Inspection Commission and Supervision Commission of Yingshan County, Hubei Province, strictly follows the legal standards for the identification of bribe-payers, combs through the information of bribe-givers investigated and dealt with by the discipline inspection and supervision organs and public security organs in the county since the 15th National Congress of the Communist Party of China and determined to have committed bribes after the <>th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, and includes it in the information database of bribe-payers.

Persistently strengthen the supervisory function, so that supervision is constant and normal

Supervision is the basic duty and primary duty of discipline inspection and supervision organs. Since the beginning of this year, discipline inspection and supervision organs at all levels have unremittingly strengthened their supervisory functions, carried out daily supervision in a down-to-earth manner, and made supervision permanent and normal.

Make greater efforts to make good use of the first form, comprehensively use conversations, letters, reminders and criticisms and other methods to bite ears and tear sleeves, red face sweating, grasp the small early, and prevent micro-development. In the first half of the year, discipline inspection and supervision organs across the country used the "four forms" to criticize and educate a total of 78,1 people. Among them, the use of the first form of criticism education helped 51,9 people, accounting for 66.4% of the total; The second form was treated with 20,4 person-times, accounting for 26.2%, and the proportion of people using the first and second forms continued to remain high. In the first half of the year, there were 17,<> conversations, higher than the level of the same period in the previous two years. From one side, it reflects the new results of discipline inspection and supervision organs in closely integrating with the actual conditions of work, persisting in grasping small problems as early as possible, preventing small things from evolving, strengthening daily supervision, and further promoting the high-quality development of discipline inspection and supervision work.

Discipline inspection and supervision organs at all levels pay close attention to the implementation of the spirit of the eight central regulations, pay close attention to the emerging nature, tendencies, and hidden problems of the "four winds", strengthen supervision and inspection, and strictly and severely investigate and deal with violations of laws and disciplines. In the first half of the year, the State Supervision Commission of the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection publicly reported on typical problems of organizing public-funded tourism in the name of training, and the spiritual problems of six party-member leading cadres in Qinghai Province seriously violating the eight central regulations. The details of the two reports, the high level of cadres, and the strictness of accountability and accountability have formed a powerful deterrent effect. Taking the case as a lesson not only effectively warns the vast number of party members and cadres to draw profound lessons from it, know the boundaries, know the bottom line, and strictly abide by the red line of discipline and law, but also make daily supervision more specific and accurate.

At the same time, discipline inspection and supervision organs at all levels, in accordance with the requirements of the party's unified leadership, comprehensive coverage, authority and high efficiency, have made efforts to promote the improvement of the special supervision system for discipline inspection and supervision, promote the normalization and institutionalization of discipline supervision, supervision and supervision, stationed supervision, and inspection supervision, and enhance the joint force of supervision and enhance the effectiveness of supervision. For example, the Hubei Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection and Supervision has formulated and issued the "four supervisions" overall planning and linkage work method, explored the establishment of the "four supervisions" comprehensive management, information exchange, consultation, study and judgment, supervision and promotion, and force coordination five mechanisms, opened up blocking points, connected broken points, eliminated blind spots, and promoted the standardization and efficiency of the "four supervisions" overall planning and connection mechanism.

Adhere to the principle that corruption must be countered and cases must be investigated, and anti-corruption in key areas and industries continues to advance in depth

Discipline inspection and supervision organs at all levels accurately use the "four forms" to effectively curb the increase and effectively eliminate the stock, insist that failure of responsibility must be questioned and accountability must be strict, insist that corruption must be countered, and cases must be investigated, so that party members and cadres can pay attention, be vigilant, and know about it, and achieve the organic unity of political, disciplinary and social effects. In the first half of the year, the third form was used to treat 2,8 person-times, accounting for 3.6%; The fourth form was used to treat 3,3 people, accounting for 8.<>%.

On July 7, the website of the State Supervision Commission of the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection announced that Wang Yongsheng, former member of the Party Committee and vice president of the China Development Bank, was suspected of serious violations of discipline and law, and is currently under disciplinary review and supervision and investigation by the State Supervision Commission of the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection.

Corruption in the financial sector is often intertwined with various market risks and political risks, which not only affects the role of financial functions, but also more likely to cause systemic risks. Discipline inspection and supervision organs continue to promote financial anti-corruption, treating both the symptoms and the root causes, and systematically tackling them. In the first half of the year, in the financial field, three central management cadres, including Zhou Qingyu, former member of the party committee and vice president of the China Development Bank, Li Xiaopeng, former secretary of the party committee and chairman of China Everbright Group Co., Ltd., and Liu Liange, former secretary of the party committee and chairman of the Bank of China, were examined and investigated. The intensity of the anti-corruption campaign fully demonstrates the strong determination and firm will of the Party Central Committee to strengthen the comprehensive and strict management of the party in the financial sector and clean up industrial corruption with large risks and hidden dangers.

On June 6, the website of the State Supervision Commission of the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection published the news that nine managers of central enterprises had been subject to disciplinary review and supervision and investigation. This is the 29th batch of information on the review and investigation of managers of state-owned central enterprises released by the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection and the State Supervision Commission since March 9 this year. With the centralized, unified and standardized release of information on the review and investigation of managers of state-owned central enterprises as the starting point, explore the establishment of a centralized release mechanism for review and investigation information, which epitomizes the remarkable results of anti-corruption work in the field of state-owned enterprises, and continues to release a strong signal of deepening the rectification of corruption in the field of state-owned enterprises.

To implement the arrangements of the Second Plenary Session of the 30th Central Commission for Discipline Inspection, discipline inspection and supervision organs at all levels paid close attention to key links such as major projects, material procurement, mergers and acquisitions, and mixed reform of state-owned enterprises, resolutely showed their swords against stubborn problems such as relying on enterprises to eat enterprises, related party transactions, rent-seeking, and profit transmission, and seriously investigated and dealt with a number of typical cases. With the first round of inspections of the <>th Central Committee carrying out regular inspections of the party groups of <> medium-managed enterprises, the supervision forces such as inspection supervision, audit supervision, accounting supervision, and statistical supervision are coordinated and organically connected, and the deepening and rectification of corruption in the field of state-owned enterprises will further form a joint force.

Pay close attention to the problem of corruption in the field of grain purchase and marketing, and systematically deal with it. Since August 2021, discipline inspection and supervision organs at all levels, together with departments such as development and reform, finance, state-owned assets, market supervision, grain and reserves, have carried out special rectification of corruption in the field of grain purchase and sales, and the overwhelming victory in punishing corruption in the field of grain purchase and sales has continued to be consolidated. At present, the special rectification work has entered the stage of "gnawing hard bones". Following the public report issued by the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection and the State Supervision Commission in January this year on 8 typical cases of violation of discipline and law in the field of grain purchase and sales, the State Supervision Commission of the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection held a forum in April on deepening the work of deepening the work of rectifying corruption in the field of grain purchase and sales in some provinces and autonomous regions.

Under the centralized and unified leadership of the Party Central Committee, with the deepening of the reform of the discipline inspection and supervision system, the level of standardization, rule of law and regularization of discipline inspection and supervision work has been continuously improved, the working mechanism of system integration, coordination and efficiency has been increasingly improved, and the advantages of the system have been further transformed into governance efficiency, which will surely promote the comprehensive strict management of the party, the building of party style and clean government, and the fight against corruption to continuously achieve new results. (Source: China Discipline Inspection and Supervision News)