Corentin Alloune / Photo credit: ALAIN JOCARD / AFP 19:09 pm, July 21, 2023

Gabriel Attal, former minister delegate in charge of public accounts, became this Thursday Minister of National Education and Youth, went this Friday afternoon to La Verrière, in the Yvelines, where two schools had been burned during the riots.

For this first visit to his new position, Gabriel Attal displays the tone of firmness. During his speech at La Verrière in the Yvelines, where two schools had been burned during the riots, he promised that no student would find themselves without a solution of schooling at the beginning of the school year.

The Republic is a bloc. His School is standing and proud. This is the message I passed on to the educational community and elected officials of La Verrière, admirable resilience after the desolation. Together, we are committed to it: a viable solution for every student at the beginning of the school year.

— Gabriel Attal (@GabrielAttal) July 21, 2023

A dozen schools burned after riots

In France, following the various riots following Nahel's death, more than 200 schools suffered damage on various scales. A dozen establishments were almost completely destroyed. "It should lead us to question everything and to act on the issue of rights, the duties of the citizen at school and respect for authority," said the new Minister of National Education during his first official visit.

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On this subject, Gabriel Attal is extremely clear. "And I know that I will also have, on this subject, a very strong political gathering and the entire educational community at my side," he adds.

Also, he wants students to have a schooling solution for the start of the school year. "The instruction I give to my services is to always place themselves from the point of view of the student and his family. Because from the ministry's point of view, we can say that there is a schooling solution that has been proposed. Finally, if there is half an hour on foot, there is a question of transport that arises, "punctuates Gabriel Attal.