The Ministry of Foreign Affairs cannot provide any details about how the situation was handled on site.

"We can say that it was a very difficult situation. But the most important thing is that all staff are safe, says Karin Bolin, press officer at the Ministry for Foreign Affairs.

For security reasons, the Embassy's staff have been temporarily relocated to Stockholm. All staff landed in Sweden on Friday.

"What happens in the future, we'll have to come back to that.

Violent vandalism and fire

Karin Bolin says that the Ministry for Foreign Affairs does not have an overall picture of how great the damage to the embassy is.

"But there was a massive storming with violent vandalism, and the embassy building was set on fire in several places.

Foreign Minister Tobias Billström has previously called the attack on the embassy "unacceptable". Even now, the Foreign Ministry is criticizing the authorities in Iraq.

"Iraq's responsibility for the protection of the Swedish mission has obviously been seriously broken," says Karin Bolin.

Changed travel advice

On Friday, the Ministry for Foreign Affairs issued new travel advice to Swedes in Iraq. Among other things, Swedes are recommended to stay far away from demonstrations, and that you should keep up to date with developments and follow local authorities' instructions.

Despite the fact that Swedish diplomats have been urged to leave Iraq, and Iraq has brought home its own diplomats at the embassy in Stockholm, Karin Bolin says that there is ongoing contact between government representatives for Iraq and Sweden.

"Among other things, there have been several contacts at foreign minister level, Iraq's charges d'affaires have been called up to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and there have been several local contacts in Baghdad. The Foreign Minister spoke yesterday with his Iraqi counterpart, says Karin Bolin.