Fighting continued on Friday between the Sudanese army and the Rapid Support Forces in the capital Khartoum and several other areas of the country, with powerful explosions and artillery shelling south of Omdurman.

The correspondent of Al Jazeera said that the army's warplanes flew heavily this morning in the skies of Khartoum, while the anti-Rapid Support responded in the center of the capital and south of the city of Omdurman.

The army shelled RSF rallies in several locations south and east of Khartoum and in Omdurman.

The emergency room "South of the belt" in Khartoum said that dead and wounded fell during air strikes on separate areas of the neighborhoods of May and Azhari this morning and noon.

According to an emergency room statement, the injured were taken to Bashaer Hospital and Al Fouad Hospital, and he explained that among the injured were children.

Army warplanes also bombed Rapid Support Forces targets in the city of El Obeid in North Kordofan state in western Sudan, and clashes erupted with heavy weapons.

El Obeid is strategically located as an important crossroads in central Sudan, and an oil pipeline runs from south to east to the Red Sea port of Port Sudan.


Meanwhile, Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) in Sudan reported that its 18-person medical staff were attacked in Khartoum by an armed group.

The organization said in a statement on its Twitter account that it was concerned by the series of repeated attacks on its staff, and said that these attacks may prevent its continued presence in the Turkish hospital in the Sudanese capital.

Gunmen "arrested one of our drivers and threatened his life before releasing him, and also stole one of our cars," the organization said, explaining that the incident occurred when the team transported medical supplies from the organization's warehouses to the Turkish hospital.

Calls for a cessation of fighting

Darfur Governor Minni Arko Minawi said he had spoken to army and RSF commanders and called for the war not to be transferred to the region.

Minawi called on both sides in the conflict in Sudan to sit down at the negotiating table and make sacrifices for peace.

Ethiopian Foreign Minister Demeke Mekonnen appealed to the Sudanese parties to stop the fighting and give a chance to seek to resolve the current crisis by peaceful means.

During a press conference on Friday, he stressed the need for all efforts for peace to be guided by the principles of full respect for the sovereignty, territorial integrity and independence of Sudan.

Since fighting erupted on April 15 in Sudan, some 3,3 people have been killed and more than <> million displaced, both inside and outside the country.