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  • Direct General Elections 23-J, last minute
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Alberto Núñez Feijóo has on a shelf in his office in Genoa three figures of Sargadelos, the ceramic company that explains to the world what Galicia is like. As he does not rule out that they can give him luck, he always has them close. And when he tells it, he invokes aloud that good omen, just in case. Elías Bendodo was given a red cap that hangs on the coat rack of his office. Since then, electoral fortune has turned to his side, so he doesn't get rid of it. Just in case. Isabel Díaz Ayuso always writes with the same liquid ink pens. Just in case. And Borja Sémper carries with him, wherever he goes, the electoral poster that made him surpass the polls in San Sebastian in 2019. To always aspire to improve expectations. Or just in case.

It's not that any of them are especially superstitious. Certainly not as much as Felipe González, who believes that accepting recognition of his entire career is a spell of death, or as Esperanza Aguirre, who flees from politicians with a reputation for glasses and never sits at her table with 13 diners.

The PP candidate is not like them, but he touches one of his three ceramic figurines (that of the pilgrim) with a touch of superstitious fetishism. Just in case.

And with a point of suspicion, too. The PP has the polls on its side and counts in its favor with the trend of 28-M, but as the countdown to 23-J runs out, nerves are spreading in the popular direction. Nerves typical of the electoral tension, but also of the demoscopic information -not publishable- that they are receiving. "More than nerves, uncertainty provoked," summarizes a leader. Everything points to a clear victory for Feijóo, but it remains to be defined if he will be able to govern alone, if he will have to agree with Vox, if he will also have to give entry into his Government to ultra ministers or, even, if the repeal of Sanchismo dies on the shore because the right in the end does not add up.

Why? Because at the close of this edition the PP was playing 15 seats with other parties, the so-called "remains". That is, the last seat to be distributed in each constituency. In this case, in Barcelona, Alicante, Valladolid, Salamanca, Burgos, Malaga, Murcia, Asturias, Balearic Islands, Pontevedra, Navarra, Castellón, Huelva, La Rioja and Gualajara. Fundamentally, these deputies are in contention with the PSOE, so the PP asks Vox voters for a borrowed and tactical vote that maximizes the result "against Pedro Sánchez".

In addition, there are 13 other provinces in which a disruptive increase in participation could decant as many seats, according to sources consulted by this newspaper in the engine room of the campaign of the main opposition party.

155 seats

If the vote is "concentrated" in the popular, they will exceed the 155 seats that mark the psychological border to add more than all the left together and, therefore, try to govern alone. And if not, the PSOE would have an opportunity to seek support again "even under the stones". Without ruling out a scenario of "blockade" and electoral repetition.

But how open is the electoral landscape just a few hours before the date with the polls? Not really. The trend is clear in favor of the right, but, yes, the casuistry is varied. And the devil is in the details. "I think we will do well, but we will go to a photo finish in many provinces," summarizes a spokesman for the PP. And if the "wave of change" of 28-M is repeated, that final sprint should clearly benefit Feijóo. "In 50 days there is no time to change that trend. In addition, most Spaniards have already disconnected from Sanchez, "add the same sources.

"These elections are so important that they will mark what happens in the next decade, at least," Feijóo warned last night at the closing rally of the campaign, held in A Coruña, a more propitious scenario than Madrid, in full heat.

"I have no debts to anyone, I only owe myself to the Spaniards, to no one else!" he harangued. "I ask for the vote to change coalitions for state pacts. I do not ask for the vote to take revenge, but to manage the future of the people, "insisted the PP candidate at the event, before almost 6,000 people. "Within three days, sanchismo will be a thing of the past, but we also have to recover the PSOE that agreed to solve the fundamental problems," he said.

His message is the useful vote against Sanchez: "Less me, me, me, me and more us. I don't, everyone!" "I am not asking for the vote to block, but so that people can make ends meet. I know what I have to do," he summed up.


IN 2019

Failure. The Popular Party of Pablo Casado was the second force, but with only 89 deputies


Victory in contention. All the polls -except the CIS- give Feijóo as the most voted list with between 145-150 seats but without guarantees of being able to govern.

  • General Elections
  • Politics
  • PP
  • Alberto Núñez Feijóo

According to the criteria of The Trust Project

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