DRC: in front of MONUSCO, hundreds of women call for an investigation into the murder of Chérubin Okende

Several hundred women demonstrated Friday, July 21, 2023 in Kinshasa, in front of the headquarters of the UN mission in the DRC to denounce the escalation of the repression against the opposition in the run-up to the December 20 elections.

Women in front of MONUSCO HQ in Kinshasa, July 21, 2023. © Pascal Mulegwa / RFI

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With our correspondent in Kinshasa, Pascal Mulegwa

All dressed in black with pennants, banners and posters in hand, these women demonstrated for the second time on Friday. Several hundred were gathered in front of the headquarters of the UN mission, in an avenue full of embassies. Coming from religious denominations, civil society and political parties, they are mobilized to demand an independent investigation after the assassination, on July 12, of opposition MP Chérubin Okende and to obtain the release of Salomon Kalonda, right-hand man of Moïse Katumbi imprisoned for more than 50 days.

" READ ALSO DRC: international investigators solicited in the case of the assassination of the opponent Chérubin Okende

Some, like Solange Mafuta, are members of the Together for the Republic party. "Violence against the opposition has escalated. We have on our hands the assassination of a statesman, Cherubin Okende. We are outraged and shocked. We are calling for an external investigation. We refer to what the Head of State said himself, he does not trust the justice of this country, so we do not trust the justice of this country either. And we ask that an investigation be carried out in a serious manner so that light is shed on this heinous crime," she said.

« Non-assistance to a people in danger »

Patricia, brandished near the fence a banner bearing the effigy of Salomon Kalonda, advisor to Moïse Katumbi. "We deplore his arrest which was made in a villainous way," denounces the one who demands his unconditional release "because the file of the latter is empty". He added: "The facts of which he was accused are today unfounded."

If all these women are gathered today, it is today because "nothing is done" against "this serious violence", regrets Anny Faray of civil society, one of the mobilizers. "If MONUSCO does not use good offices, we reserve the right to take legal action at the ICC level against MONUSCO and against all embassies that are here for failure to assist a people in danger," she added.

After this summons, she filed a memorandum not only with MONUSCO, but also with the US embassy.

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  • DRC
  • UN
  • Moïse Katumbi