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Bel Pozueta, mother of Adur Ramírez de Alda, convicted of hitting a civil guard in Alsasua, could not suppress a huge smile last Friday in Villava (Navarra). "We have achieved after 40 years the transfer of Traffic," he congratulated himself to underline, then, that "this has hurt them." Pozueta has practically assured her re-election as a deputy for Navarra in Congress and what "has hurt" victims of terrorism, some political parties and the 150 civil guards of the Traffic Unit was that President Pedro Sánchez gave Bildu the goodbye of the Navarre roads of the agents of the Armed Institute.

The Abertzale left closed yesterday in San Sebastian the most intense campaign in a general election. Without candidates with direct links to ETA on its lists, the coalition led by Arnaldo Otegi tries to extend its good results from 28-M – second force in votes after the PNV but first in councilors in the Basque Country – to 23-J. The two nationalist forces dispute in the Basque "national polls", in the words of Otegi, practically tied the 18 deputies at stake in the Basque Country while in Navarra -where 5 congressmen are elected- only EH Bildu has the option of achieving a representative because Geroa Bai (coalition in which the PNV is integrated) is very far from the PSOE of Navarra, UPN and even Javier García's PP.

In the Basque Country and Navarre several simultaneous games are played starting with the presidential duel between Alberto Núñez Feijóo and Pedro Sánchez. All polls published before last Tuesday place PNV, EH Bildu and the Basque PSOE tied at 5 seats. The Basque PP has secured the seat of Bea Fanjul for Vizcaya – which it already achieved in 2019 – and will recover with Javier de Andrés the representative for Álava that it lost four years ago. Sumar, the political space that in 2016 came to win the general elections in the Basque Country, will be left with a single deputy although it is barely 400 votes away from taking away from the PSE-EE the seat of Guipúzcoa that Pedro Sánchez tried to consolidate with his express trip last Tuesday to San Sebastian when he left the EU-CELAC summit.

In the Basque Country, Sánchez would accumulate eleven supports and would have to convince Andoni Ortuzar again, his supporter in the motion of censure against Rajoy in 2018 and in the investiture of 2019. The Basque nationalists, however, have suffered a decline in their ability to influence EH Bildu and ERC and will raise their demands and "guarantees" if Sánchez needs them.

"We are nobody's crutch," Aitor Esteban repeated in the campaign, the person in charge of giving electoral air to a PNV that has not had time to digest the consolidation of EH Bildu as an alternative in the Basque Country with regional elections planned, if Urkullu does not precipitate its advance, in the spring of 2024.

In the autonomous community, UPN and PP settle their second electoral battle after the rupture of the Navarra Suma coalition. On 28-M, the regionalist formation achieved 92,392 votes compared to 24,019 of the PP but Feijóo's party aspires to overcome the 45,000 ballots that ensure a seat. The Socialists, who have paralyzed the formation of the Government of Navarra to avoid the photo with Bildu, would keep their two seats.


IN 2019.

Unrivaled. One in three Basques voted for the PNV four years ago and won six deputies. Casado's PP got one.


Equality. PSE-EE, Bildu and PNV aspire to have five deputies, but in Guipúzcoa and Vitoria the coalition of Otegi intends to repeat its triumphs of May.

  • General Elections
  • Politics
  • PNV
  • Bildu
  • Arnaldo Otegi

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