• Salud Sálvame updates the status of Amaia Montero after leaving a clinic
  • Without further details Amaia Montero: her time in the ICU after being operated on in Madrid

Amaia Montero has spent 10 days in the ICU of the Beata María Ana hospital in Madrid. According toEspejo Público on Wednesday, July 19, the singer had to undergo an intervention on one hand and went through "a complicated postoperative period", although she was already on the floor. The morning of Antena 3 offered new data on his state of health on Thursday 20, since he managed to get in touch with his sister, Idoia Montero.

Álex Álvarez, editor of the format, explained that they had just spoken with her after trying to locate her repeatedly, but she had had her mobile turned off until the morning of that same day: "With a muffled voice, at least worrying, she tells us that she is not going to give us details, that she is going to remain as she has been until now, without giving statements."

"She tells us, always very polite, that she appreciates the concern we are having at the moment for Amaia Montero, but she emphasizes that we maintain respect. It tells us that this is a delicate moment, the one they are going through. He has had to hang us up because he has said, literally: 'You catch me waiting for an emergency call, I have to leave you,'" the journalist concluded.

Comments on Public Mirror

Susanna Griso commented after hearing the words of her colleague in Espejo Público: "The tone and words of Idoia denote that there is concern. I say this because if it were a surgical intervention without major importance it would be counted, but it seems that there is a certain secrecy. "

Álex Álvarez agreed and recalled that in the program they had spoken with Amaia Montero's sister other times: "She has always been very direct, without giving many details, but she has left us calmer. The truth is that calmer does not leave us this time. "

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In addition, he said they did not know if the singer was still admitted or not, but explained that Idoia had said "you catch me entering", something that he interpreted as that he could be arriving at the hospital.

  • HBPR
  • Amaia Montero
  • Antenna 3

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