Al-Jazeera correspondent reported that a Palestinian youth was killed and another was injured after the Israeli occupation forces opened fire on their car in the town of Sebastia, west of Nablus.

The Palestinian Red Crescent said that its teams received the body of the 19-year-old, while the occupation forces are still holding the injured young man and surrounding the place.

In turn, the Palestinian Ministry of Health confirmed the arrival of a martyr to Rafidia Governmental Hospital from the town of Sebastia, and announced "the martyrdom of Fawzi Hani Fawzi in violation of the bullets of the occupation."

This comes hours after the death of Mohammed Fouad Al-Bayed (17 years old) from critical injuries after being shot by the Israeli occupation forces in the village of um Safa, north of Ramallah in the West Bank.

The Palestinian Ministry of Health said that its teams were transferred to the Istishari Hospital in the village two seriously wounded who were wounded by live bullets in the head and abdomen by the occupation, before doctors announced the death of one of them.

The Israeli occupation forces suppressed a peaceful march that started from the center of the village after Friday prayers to denounce the settlements and the confiscation of land.

Clashes erupted with the occupying forces, who fired stun grenades and tear gas canisters at the marchers, dispersed them, blocked the entrances to the village and prevented entry or exit.

Meanwhile, dozens of Palestinians were injured and suffocated by tear gas on Friday as the Israeli army dispersed marches condemning the West Bank settlements.

Several areas in the West Bank witness weekly anti-settlement events and marches, often ending in confrontations with the army, which uses live and rubber bullets and tear gas and sound bombs to disperse them.