Toronto, 7 Jul (ZXS) -- A Canadian helicopter involved in extinguishing wildfires crashed in Alberta on 20 July. The pilot, who was the only person on board, was killed, becoming the third person reported to have died since the country's wildfire season this year.

The RCMP confirmed on the 20th that the night before, in the town of Pease River, nearly 500 kilometers northwest of Edmonton, the capital of Alberta, a helicopter involved in firefighting operations crashed. At the time of the helicopter crash, the task of delivering water to the fire site for high-altitude sprinkling was being carried out. Search and rescue personnel found the crash site that night and performed CPR on the only person on board. The 41-year-old male pilot died after being taken to Pease River Airport.

The Canadian Transportation Safety Board confirmed that the crash was a Bell-205A helicopter. The commission has sent an investigation team to the scene to investigate the accident.

Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and Alberta Premier Danielle Smith expressed their condolences and respect to the pilots who died through online social platforms. Smith said it was a reminder of how firefighters risked their lives to keep communities safe.

It follows that a 19-year-old female firefighter died on July 7 while clearing bushes near a small fire site in Revelstoke, British Columbia, Alberta's western neighbor. On July 13, a young male firefighter from Fort Leyard, Northwest Territories, died of injuries sustained while participating in fighting a wildfire in the area.

According to official Canadian data, the country is experiencing its worst wildfire season on record. According to data from the Canadian Interdepartmental Forest Fire Protection Center, the area of wildfires across Canada has exceeded 1140.900 million hectares so far this year; There are nearly 63 active wildfires, nearly <> percent of which are out of control. Months of ongoing wildfires have led to a drop in air quality in a wide range of areas, even in cities such as New York.

B.C. is the worst fire, with nearly 380 active fires, nearly 120% of which are out of control. There are nearly <> active fires in Alberta; In the northwest, there are nearly <> active fires.

Canada's Minister of Environment and Climate Change Gilbo told the media on the 20th that the severe wildfires show that the country needs to be more prepared for the impact of climate change. (End)