When it comes to the name "Paul Che", the audience may not be familiar with it, but the Hong Kong actor's long and thin figure and humorous face shape are unforgettable - he is the "fat head" in the TV series "Luding Ji", the "informant" in the movie "Mr. Bean 2", or the "lock picker" in the movie "Hong Kong"... Recently, Paul Che was interviewed by a reporter from Chinanews.com on the sidelines of participating in the <>rd Asian International Youth Film Festival.

Hong Kong actor Paul Che was recently interviewed by a reporter from Chinanews.com. Photo by Yu Shuai

"To say that there is no change is false"

At the end of last year, Paul Che was invited to participate in the variety show "Infinite Beyond Class" co-produced by the mainland and Hong Kong, in which he sincerely invited young actors to play with his "little old man", which was loved by the audience.

After the recording of the variety show, he received many job offers in the mainland, and also opened accounts on social platforms such as Weibo, Xiaohongshu, and Douyin, with a cumulative number of more than two million fans. Some netizens commented that the car Paul, who had faded out of the public's sight before, was "red" again.

"To say that there is no change is false." When asked about the changes in his life in the past six months, Paul Che answered frankly: "My brothers and sisters in the mainland are very enthusiastic about me, and people often say at the airport, you are the 'little old man', right?" Let's take a picture together! ”

However, in Hong Kong, Paul Che feels that the change is not very big, he said with a smile: "Maybe when I buy vegetables, people will give me a little cheaper." ”

Speaking of the difference between recording programs and filming film and television dramas in the mainland and Hong Kong, Paul Che said that what was most surprising was the number of cameras and shots in the mainland, "They had more than 30 shots, and in my time there were only three 'cannons' and one 'flowing' in Hong Kong, a total of four. He also mentioned that the shooting speed in the mainland was very fast, and he did not feel tired, and he had already finished shooting.

Paul Che played the "informant" in the movie "Mr. Bean 2" and played with "Mr. Bean".

"I believe there will be sunshine tomorrow"

As a new "Internet celebrity" on social media, young fans affectionately call Paul Che "Grandpa Che", and Paul Che also calls fans "babies" and "children" in the interview.

Che Paul told reporters that before opening a social account, he "didn't expect" to be liked by so many children; Seeing that the babies mentioned life problems in comments and messages, such as college entrance examinations, marriage, etc., "I try to answer their questions as much as possible, encourage them to face them with a positive attitude, believe that there will be sunshine tomorrow, and settle their own mentality." ”

Such an optimistic "Grandpa Che" in front of fans, there was no drama to shoot for a while. In order to make a living, Paul Che worked as a security guard, vegetable market manager, electrician, maintenance worker, etc., and once told the media: "People want to eat after all." ”

Paul Che, who calls himself a "licorice actor" (meaning willing to play the role of "green leaf"), believes that acting is a passive profession. He joked that if he wasn't selected by the crew, he would tell himself that it was because they didn't know how to appreciate me, and there was still a chance! But when selected by the crew, you have to do what the director wants, and to do well is to earn. "Paul does the work, it must be this (than the thumb), there is no this (than the little finger)."

"You have a good plan, and you may not be able to get by"

In 1998, after the broadcast of the TV series "Luding Ji", it caused a ratings boom and became a memory of a generation, and the supporting role "Fat Head Tuo" played by Paul Che was also well known to the audience.

Paul Che played the role of "Fat Head Tuo" in the TV series "Deer Ding Ji".

Talking about the fun story of the filming of "Deer Dingji", Paul Che recalled that one day it was cold and he wanted to dive into the water with an older actor to shoot, but the company only gave him a wetsuit. He gave the diving suit to the old actor to wear, and asked for a roll of plastic wrap from the props department, wrapping his body tightly like a mummy.

"I thought I had the smartest idea!" Che Paul said that he was very angry with groundwater, but before the shooting was finished, he couldn't hold back and came out of the water. It turned out that there was a gap in the middle of the plastic wrap, and the cold lake water burrowed into the clothes, and when the body was cold, it instinctively swam to the surface of the water.

"What to do? I said to the director: It's okay, come again! Dive down again, it's cold anyway. He summed up the shooting experience with emotion: "(Although) you have a good plan, sometimes it is not necessarily passable. ”

"Don't listen carefully, be careful not to be accidental"

"Don't listen carefully, be careful not to be accidental", is the message of Paul Che to young actors and fans.

He explained that "listening without care" means listening attentively and not answering the other person's questions immediately. "Think about it, is he a human or a ghost? He is a human being—talk to him in human language; He's a ghost - what do you say? My hearing aid is dead, I'll talk to you again after changing the battery. ”

Learning to be "obedient" is also Paul's experience in refining his acting skills. He used his experience when he entered the industry as an example that he didn't know how to perform at first, and he would be scolded by the crew. But through reflection and study, I understood that it turned out to be because it would not be "obedient" - "people tell you to the left, you to the right." You will not be 'obedient', so you will be scolded. ”

Che Paul said that young actors learn to be "obedient" and improve their acting skills, coupled with good face shape and body conditions, once they are favored by the director, they can seize the opportunity to go up. "This is what I learned from my training."

Reporter Dai Menglan