Yolanda Díaz, vice president of the Government and candidate of Sumar, intends that her formation is the "revulsive" of an electoral campaign marked by the possible victory of Alberto Núñez Feijóo that all the polls advance except the CIS. And to keep his militancy active and gain ground in the wide space of the undecided, Díaz has combined calls for "hope" and "life" with the warning that the PP candidate will lead Spain into "a recession" by applying "cuts" again in an era of public austerity.

Yolanda Diaz has gathered 700 Basque leaders and supporters in the Old Town of Vitoria just two hours after the PP candidate Alberto Núñez Feijóo also appeared before his followers in the capital of Alava. Díaz, who has arrived by train from Madrid when his political rival was already arriving in Logroño, has personalized his criticism of the PP candidate to encourage his followers to mobilize the vote in Euskadi.

The vice president and her team fight in the Basque Country to achieve the seat to which Pilar Garrido -general secretary of Podemos Euskadi- aspires in Gipuzkoa and dreams of getting a representative in Álava where all the polls leave Sumar without a deputy. Adding would only have ensured that Lander Martínez is a deputy for Bizkaia while he observes how EH Bildu remains on the crest of its electoral wave and can consolidate the 5 deputies it achieved in 2019 in the Basque Country.

In this scenario, Díaz has mentioned José María Aznar and Mariano Rajoy as supporters of Feijóo's economic policies to doubt that the PP candidate will really lower the IRPF to taxpayers with incomes below 40,000 euros as announced in his rallies. On the contrary, Díaz has made Feijóo the defender of the great fortunes for his announcement of suppressing the tax approved by PSOE and Unidas Podemos and has linked him with the interests of the "big energy companies" and the "rude benefits of the banks".

"We play the next decade," she warned her followers in a vibrant speech in which she reviewed the social changes promoted by her from the Sánchez Government, including the increase in the minimum wage. "We are going to continue raising wages," emphasized Díaz, who has constantly claimed to be a defender of the "workers" of Spain.

In addition, and as a nod to the voters of EH Bildu, Díaz wanted to highlight his commitment to a "plurinational State" and has defended all the autonomous languages. "Why do they undertake a struggle against them?", Díaz asked himself in a message of support for the mobilizations of mayors of the PNV and EH Bildu against the judges who in a dozen sentences assume the resources of workers against the imposition of Basque. Several of these appeals have been filed by unions such as UGT and CCOO, an issue that Yolanda Díaz may not be aware of.

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