Listen to Filip talk about the discovery in the clip.

It was when Filip Bååth checked the mail after work on Tuesday that he made the unexpected discovery, which SLA was the first to tell about.

He had recently moved to Lidköping from Piteå, from where he had forwarded his post. Filip thought it was a bit strange as the first name on the envelope was wrong, but the last name and address were correct. At first he thought it was something he had ordered and forgotten about.

"But there were 20 grams of drugs that appeared out of nowhere. It was a bit of a shock," he says.

Drugs are sent to the wrong addressee

The police in Lidköping confirm that they have received the bag but cannot say at this time what will happen to the contents. According to the police, it is not uncommon for narcotics to be sent to the wrong addressee and then picked up from the mailbox by the original client.

"It certainly happens, although I can't comment on what happened in this case," said police spokesman in the West, Peter Adlersson.