Release of smugglers: Brussels launches proceedings against Hungary

Austria is protesting against neighbouring Hungary's decision to release hundreds of human traffickers, many of whom had served only a fraction of their sentences. This Hungarian decision was made to relieve overcrowding in Magyar prisons and the Austrian government feared an influx of released prisoners. The European Commission is also concerned and launched on Friday 14 July an infringement procedure against Budapest, the first step in a procedure that can eventually lead to fines.

Austrian Chancellor Karl Nehammer and Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban in Vienna in July 2022. AP - Theresa Wey

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With our correspondent in Brussels, Pierre Benazet

According to the Magyar foreign minister, it is pro-immigration EU policies that are attracting thousands of migrants to Hungary. His government says that last year a total of 330,000 illegal immigrants were arrested at European borders, including 270,000 between Serbia and Hungary.

But the Hungarian government decree of 27 April ended up provoking a reaction from the European Commission. This law provided for the release of 700 human traffickers out of the approximately 2,600 prisoners in Hungarian prisons. With, as a corollary, the order to leave the territory within 72 hours to serve their detention in the country of their former habitual residence or nationality.

For the Commission, the government decree contains "no rules concerning the conditions, control or execution of this measure". Hence the letter of formal notice sent to the Hungarian Government.

The Austrian government had officially protested and summoned the Hungarian ambassador in Vienna at the end of May. But since then the Austrian Chancellor has organised a summit with the Serbian and Hungarian Presidents on 7th July devoted to the joint fight against illegal immigration.

" READ ALSO Immigration: Austria raises the tone in the face of the decision of Hungary on the smugglers

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  • Austria
  • Hungary
  • International migration
  • European Union
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  • Viktor Orban
  • Karl Nehammer