"The issuance of residence permits to foreigners in Istanbul, where more than 1.2 million foreign citizens live, has been suspended - except in cases of necessity," the Milliyet newspaper reports.

The exceptions are those who come for training, treatment or international trade.

According to unofficial data, more than 7 million foreigners live in the country.

In addition, the region has tightened checks on tenants and hotels that host illegal immigrants: after identifying three such cases, the hotel faces the loss of its license, and the rented apartment can be sealed.

Earlier, RT learned that foreigners living in Latvia who do not have citizenship of this country or a passport of an EU state will now be required to confirm not only knowledge of the Latvian language, but also an income level of at least € 1 by September 2023, 620. Otherwise, they may be deprived of a permanent residence permit.