• Feijóo campaign: "I am the only one who wants to win the elections, Sánchez just needs to lose them"
  • 'Tracking' The PSOE and Vox continue to fall and Feijóo sweeps the cities
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The PP is doing well in the campaign. His "catch-all" strategy, based on the appeal to the useful vote, begins to bear fruit in the polls, which mark an upward trend that is heading towards the psychological level of 160 deputies. A figure that already appears in all conversations with 'popular' leaders and that would allow Alberto Núñez Feijóo to present himself to a hypothetical investiture without depending on the "yes" of Vox, but only on his abstention.

Such is his invocation of the useful vote, and such is his conviction in the "Andalusian" tendency of the demoscopic polls, that the 'popular' no longer only see themselves governing without "ties" (without Vox ministers), but they begin to dream, even, of approaching the absolute majority. With a small mouth and analyzing the polls "with prudence", as Feijóo himself said this Saturday, but without ruling it out outright, as before.

At a rally in Logroño, Feijóo has fantasized about getting the fifth absolute majority of his political life, addressing the president of La Rioja, Gonzalo Capellán, who won by absolute majority on 28-M. "I still get you three, and I hope that on July 23 I get you four again," he said.

Of course, he later added that "that majority is very difficult, extremely difficult, but not impossible." "We need 20 seats for a government alone. We have eight days to achieve it, if we concentrate the vote in the PP, "the candidate appealed in his speech at the Riojafórum, before a few hundred people and also accompanied by the general secretary of the party and 'number one' on the PP list of this constituency, Cuca Gamarra.

"There is nothing done, far from it," he warned his family. "What's the point of winning if you can't govern?" he insisted. And a third warning horn: abstention means "that Sánchez stays," he warned. That is why Feijóo has claimed to the voters of PSOE and Vox a vote that is useful, but at the same time convinced: "I do not ask for any vote given, I will fulfill my principles and each vote will be returned to each Spaniard in the form of facts. "

"I want the country to work, and the best way for the country to work is to avoid blockades and the only way is that there is a majority and that the president cannot be blocked by a group of deputies," he said later.

The transcendence is maximum, in the eyes of Feijóo, who has appealed to a kind of plebiscitary conscience about the future of democracy: "I believe that 23-J can change the history of our country." "If we vote we can restore the dignity of the nation," and "there will be no sanchismo and there will be no blocs," he added.


The significance of this rally is special in arithmetical terms. Why? Because La Rioja is one of the 18 provinces in which the PP plays the decisive seats of the D'Hondt Law. Specifically, the one at stake is the fourth deputy of this constituency, which oscillates between the 'popular' and the socialists.

"The votes of Vox in many cases are lost, and if the seat is not won by the PP, it goes to the left," warn sources of the national 'popular' leadership. With this message by flag, Feijóo wanted to travel this weekend from the equator of the campaign to two of the key provinces for that arithmetic game. This Saturday to La Rioja and Sunday, to Guadalajara.

Today, the daily tracking of Sigma Dos gives three seats to the PP riojano and one to the PSOE. But in Genoa they fear that the vote for Vox will cause them to lose that third parliamentarian and the Socialists will take it. "Just that vote" of "those who plan to vote for Vox" is "the one that can make Sánchez win," Gamarra stressed. "That's why I ask you to make your vote useful and to add to multiply," Feijóo's 'number two' has developed.

And that is why Chaplain has harangued his own to maintain the upward trend of the polls: "We cannot fail Alberto Núñez Feijóo." "It is not worth with two deputies, I ask for your help to give everything to achieve the magic of number three," he insisted. "We have committed to 3-1 and we will get 3-1," added Feijóo.

"We are in the 60th minute, we have not yet reached the 90th minute," Gamarra warned, before claiming the useful vote for Feijóo to obtain "a broad and overwhelming majority, to the Riojan". That is, so that it does not depend on Vox and can govern alone.

Gamarra wanted to place special emphasis on "the undecided" of Cs, PSOE and Vox. "It is time to add votes to multiply seats," he told them, before asking them "to trust the PP."

"In eight days we throw Sanchez, in eight days the sanchismo ends and the bargain ends to the independentists, those of Bildu and the populists!", stressed Gamarra, who has insisted one last time that La Rioja will be decisive if the PP takes "a 3-1" in the scoreboard of deputies.

  • PP
  • Alberto Núñez Feijóo
  • General Elections

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