The president of the PP and candidate for the presidency of the Government Alberto Núñez Feijóo faces the last weekend of the electoral campaign pushed by the polls and claims to "unite the vote for change" against the 'sanchismo'. "I am the only candidate who wants to win the elections, Sánchez is enough to lose them," Feijóo stressed to his affiliates and militants in Vitoria at the beginning of an intense Saturday in which from the capital of Alava he will move to Logroño, Pamplona and Zaragoza.

Feijóo moves to his faithful but especially to the undecided the conviction that he will win the elections of July 23 and only the vote for the PP guarantees the end of 'sanchismo'. The president of the PP has included an express act in Vitoria while touring the north of Spain insisting on the punishment suffered in the "economy of families" for the management of the last 5 years of the Sánchez Government. With almost the same data he used in the face to face with the socialist president, Feijóo has insisted that "the economy of the street does not go like a motorcycle" using this argument to insist on "changing the motorist" Sánchez.

But, in the capital of Euskadi, Feijóo has warned of the danger that "Bildu is advancing at a very dangerous speed for the freedoms of the Basque people". An electoral growth that allowed Otegi's coalition to be the first political force in Vitoria, the city in which the 'popular' Alfonso Alonso and Javier Maroto were mayors. Feijóo stressed that the PP is a "state party" using the examples of Barcelona and Vitoria.

The PP candidate for the presidency of the Government has been critical of the PNV by warning that voting for Aitor Esteban also means maintaining Sanchismo but has wanted to highlight its links with Euskadi including its good institutional relationship with the lehendakari Urkullu, at the moment unprecedented in an electoral campaign in which the PP aspires to capture the vote of nationalist sympathizers critical of Pedro Sánchez.

  • Vitoria-Gasteiz
  • PP
  • PNV
  • Aitor Esteban
  • Pedro Sanchez
  • Barcelona
  • Javier Maroto
  • Alfonso Alonso
  • Bildu
  • Saragossa
  • Pamplona
  • Logroño
  • Alberto Núñez Feijóo
  • Basque Country Elections

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