• Preview of the concert The odyssey of the 'stylers': kilometric queues, fainting and "terrible organization" to enjoy the concert of their lives

Harry Styles' concert in Madrid, one of this year's most anticipated events in the capital, disappointed many of the 65,000 Harry Styles fans who attended his performance at Iberdrola Music (the Mad Cool venue). But it was not the singer who left a bad taste in the mouth of the fans, on the contrary, Styles offered a party of color, infinite charisma and catchy hits, unlike the organization of the event.

Even before the concert, the attendees lived complicated situations, with kilometric queues, fainting due to the heat and a lot of indignation with the organization. And after a hiatus of ecstasy offered by the former member of One Direction, the nightmare returned at the time of the return home.

The chaos and disorganization is perfectly summed up on Twitter by an assistant: "Crossing a garbage dump, a loose police horse (it could have been fat), no control at the entrance, poor security, canned sound, zero visibility, the M-45 collapsed by cars parked in a ditch ..". And it is that the social network has been filled with complaints very similar to this.

"I never go back to the Mad Cool venue again. The concert of Harry Styles sounded terrible, it did not look good, entering has been an odyssey, like about five kilometers of queue, leaving has been another odyssey. They don't make it clear where the taxis are taken. Tremendous everything," says another Styles fan.

Other followers have shared videos of the exit in which a marabunta of people trying to leave the enclosure or kilometric queues of cars an hour and a half after the end of the event is observed.

Dozens of people headed towards the M-45 where there was no police control to cross one of the accesses. "The girls have crowded by the road and it has been a miracle that there was no serious abuse," said a man who took two hours to get to pick up his daughter at the end of the concert.

The residents of the Marconi neighborhood have also recorded videos denouncing the collapse of vehicles in the neighborhood and blame it on the lack of agents. "Everything is blocked, there are people walking everywhere putting their lives at risk. We are so distraught that we have no words," said a neighbor. "There is a tremendous mess. Those responsible for moving this concert to this area must reflect and think about the one they have formed. This space is not prepared for an event of this magnitude," said another woman.

To all this is added the tons of garbage and waste left by the thousands of fans who for several days queued for the show. "Everything is full of garbage, umbrellas, bottles, cans and waste and no one has cleaned them up. It's a disgrace," one woman said.

  • Concerts
  • music
  • Mad Cool

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