Xi Jinping attended the 23rd meeting of the Council of Heads of State of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization and delivered an important speech

It emphasizes keeping in mind the original mission, adhering to unity and cooperation, and injecting more certainty and positive energy into the maintenance of world peace and development

Beijing, 7 Jul (Xinhua) -- On the afternoon of 4 July, President Xi Jinping attended the 7 rd meeting of the Council of Heads of State of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) member states in Beijing by video link and delivered an important speech entitled "Remember the original mission, adhere to unity and cooperation, and achieve greater development."

Xi Jinping pointed out that 10 years ago, in the face of changes in the world, times and history, I proposed that human beings live in the same global village, and more and more become a community with a shared future between you and me. Over the past 10 years, the concept of a community with a shared future for mankind has been widely recognized and supported by the international community, and is transforming from concept to action and from vision to reality. In this process, the SCO is at the forefront of the times, upholding the concept of a community with a shared future for mankind, carrying forward the "Shanghai Spirit" and building a community with a shared future for the Shanghai Cooperation Organization. Adhering to the fine tradition of helping each other and helping each other in the same boat, we firmly support and safeguard each other's core interests, and become reliable partners on the road of development and revitalization. We practice the concept of common, comprehensive, cooperative and sustainable security, accommodate the legitimate security concerns of all parties, respond to various traditional and non-traditional security challenges in an integrated manner, and jointly safeguard regional peace and tranquility. Adhering to the development concept of innovation, coordination, green, openness and sharing, we align with the development strategies and regional cooperation initiatives of various countries to promote the coordinated development of the economies of all countries; We inherit the spirit of good-neighborliness and friendship, adhere to equality, mutual learning, dialogue and inclusiveness among civilizations, and advocate peaceful coexistence and harmonious coexistence among different civilizations; We uphold international fairness and justice, oppose hegemonic and hegemonic behaviors, build a partnership of dialogue, non-confrontation and partnership and non-alignment, and strengthen the progressive forces for safeguarding world peace and stability.

Xi Jinping stressed that today's world is chaotic and intertwined, the evolution of a century of changes is accelerating, and human society is facing unprecedented challenges. Unity or division? Peace or conflict? Cooperation or confrontation? Once again, it is a question of the times. My answer is that the yearning of the people of all countries for a better life is our pursuit, and the trend of the times of peace, development, cooperation and win-win results is unstoppable. We must shoulder the important tasks entrusted by the times, keep in mind our original mission, adhere to unity and cooperation, and inject more certainty and positive energy into safeguarding world peace and development.

First, firmly set the right direction and enhance unity and mutual trust. Facts have proved that as long as we keep the overall interests in mind, shoulder our responsibilities and missions, and eliminate all kinds of interference, we will be able to safeguard and realize the security and development interests of member states. It is necessary to strengthen strategic communication and coordination, advocate the use of dialogue to bridge differences, use cooperation to surpass competition, earnestly respect each other's core interests and major concerns, and firmly support each other in achieving development and revitalization. Proceeding from the overall and long-term interests of the region, we should independently formulate foreign policies and firmly grasp the future and destiny of our own development and progress in our own hands.

Second, maintain regional peace and ensure common security. China is willing to work with all parties to implement the Global Security Initiative, resolve differences and contradictions among countries through dialogue and consultation, promote political settlement of international and regional hotspot issues, and build a solid regional security barrier. It is necessary to raise the level of security cooperation of the Organization, severely crack down on the "three forces" such as the "East Turkistan", drug trafficking, cyber and transnational organized crime, and expand cooperation in non-traditional security fields such as data security, biological security and outer space security. We will continue to play the role of platforms such as the Coordination and Cooperation Mechanism for Afghanistan's Neighbors to push Afghanistan onto the path of peace and reconstruction.

Third, focus on pragmatic cooperation to accelerate economic recovery. China is willing to work with all parties to implement the Global Development Initiative, adhere to the correct direction of economic globalization, oppose protectionism, unilateral sanctions and generalization of the concept of national security, oppose "building walls and building barriers" and "decoupling and breaking chains", and strive to make the "cake" of mutually beneficial cooperation bigger so that the fruits of development can benefit the people of all countries more equitably. All parties are welcome to participate in the Third Belt and Road Forum for International Cooperation and jointly pave this road of happiness that benefits the world wider and farther. China proposes to expand the share of SCO countries in local currency settlement and promote the establishment of SCO Development Bank.

Fourth, strengthen exchanges and mutual learning and promote people-to-people bonds. China welcomes all parties to work together to implement the Global Civilization Initiative, promote inclusive coexistence among different civilizations and promote mutual understanding and affinity among peoples of all countries. It is necessary to continue to deepen cooperation in education, science and technology, culture, health, sports, media and other fields. In the next three years, China will provide 3,1000 scholarships for international Chinese teachers and 3000,100 "Chinese Bridge" summer camps to SCO countries, and invite <> young scientists to participate in scientific research exchanges in China.

Fifth, practice multilateralism and improve global governance. It is necessary to carry forward the common values of all mankind, firmly safeguard the international system with the United Nations at its core and the international order based on international law, oppose hegemonism and power politics, promote the development of global governance in a more just and rational direction, promote the modernization of human society in the joint efforts to continuously promote equal rights, equal opportunities and fair rules, and jointly be builders of world peace, contributors to global development and defenders of international order.

Xi Jinping pointed out that at present, Chinese people are promoting Chinese-style modernization under the leadership of the Communist Party of China. We are willing to use the new achievements of Chinese-style modernization to provide new development opportunities for all countries in the world, including the countries of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization, and promote the construction of a better world.

Xi Jinping finally stressed that the road is not alone, and everyone goes far. In line with the trend of the times and the direction of human progress, the SCO will certainly continue to grow and develop with our joint efforts.

The leaders spoke positively of the remarkable achievements in the development of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization, welcomed Iran's formal accession to the SCO family, and looked forward to the completion of the procedures for Belarus' accession to the SCO as soon as possible. All sides expressed that the SCO has grown and its international influence has been increasing, making important contributions to deepening good-neighborliness and friendship, safeguarding the common interests of member states, promoting lasting peace and stability in the region and the world, and promoting sustainable development, and has become a model of mutual trust, dialogue on an equal footing and mutually beneficial cooperation. We should further carry forward the "Shanghai Spirit", enhance mutual understanding and cooperation, promote regional economic cooperation, and oppose ideological confrontation, division and discrimination. Strengthen regional connectivity and the construction of large corridors, support the docking of the "Belt and Road" initiative with the construction of the Eurasian Economic Union, deepen cooperation in the fields of economy and trade, finance, energy, science and technology, environmental protection, digital economy and humanities, and work together to address global challenges such as the food and energy crises and climate change. Jointly combat terrorism and other "three forces" and build a solid regional security barrier. Uphold true multilateralism and support the United Nations in playing a leading role in strengthening global governance.

The leaders of the member states signed and issued the New Delhi Declaration of the Council of Heads of State of the SCO Member States, jointly issued a statement on cooperation in combating radicalization, a statement on cooperation in the field of digital transformation, approved a series of resolutions on granting Iran the status of member of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization, signing a memorandum on the obligations of Belarus to join the Shanghai Cooperation Organization, and on the SCO economic development strategy to 2030.

It was decided that Kazakhstan would take over the rotating chairmanship of the SCO for 2023-2024.

Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi chaired the meeting, which was chaired by President Tokayev of Kazakhstan, President Zaparov of Kyrgyzstan, Prime Minister Shahbaz of Pakistan, President Vladimir Putin of Russia, President Rahmon of Tajikistan, President Mirziyoyev of Uzbekistan, President Lukashenko of Belarus, President Raisi of Iran, President Khuzhilesukh of Mongolia, President Berdymukhamedov of Turkmenistan, and UN Secretary-General António Guterres, the Secretary-General of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization, the Director of the Executive Committee of the Regional Anti-Terrorist Structure of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization and other heads of international and regional organizations attended.

Cai Qi, Wang Yi and others attended the meeting.