Beijing, 7 Jul (Xinhua) -- President Xi Jinping's congratulatory letter to the Third Dialogue on Exchanges and Mutual Learning among Civilizations and the First World Congress of Sinologists resonated with the participants

Xinhua News Agency reporter

On the afternoon of July 7rd, the Third Dialogue on Exchanges and Mutual Learning among Civilizations and the First World Congress of Sinologists opened at the Central Headquarters of the China National Version Pavilion, and President Xi Jinping sent a congratulatory letter. About 3 Chinese and foreign guests, including political leaders and sinologists from many countries, conducted heated exchanges and discussions on President Xi Jinping's congratulatory letter and China's proposition of exchanges and mutual learning among civilizations.

Participants said that President Xi Jinping's congratulatory letter pointed out the importance of strengthening exchanges and mutual learning among civilizations, demonstrated China's sincere desire to promote the progress of human civilization and promote the construction of a community with a shared future for mankind, and pointed out the direction for better integration of Chinese and foreign civilizations and enhance understanding, friendship and cooperation. All parties are willing to jointly implement the Global Civilization Initiative and work together to draw a new picture of the modernization of human society.

President Xi Jinping pointed out in his congratulatory letter that in the long process of human history, all peoples of the world have created civilizations with their own characteristics and symbols. Equal exchanges and mutual learning among different civilizations will provide powerful spiritual guidance for mankind to solve the problems of the times and achieve common development.

"President Xi Jinping's congratulatory letter emphasizes the importance of exchanges and mutual learning among different civilizations, reflecting a profound insight into this key issue in modern society." Liu Qiangyan, member of the Central Executive Committee of the Malaysian Democratic Action Party and deputy speaker of the lower house of parliament, who listened to the congratulatory letter at the opening ceremony, said that the real progress of mankind does not lie in homogenization, but in promoting exchanges and mutual learning among different civilizations. In order to overcome various global challenges and embark on the road of modernization together, we must respect the diversity of world civilizations and the diversity of their corresponding development models.

From attending the symposium on cultural inheritance and development held on June 6 to participating in this dialogue on civilization exchanges and mutual learning and the first World Congress of Sinologists, Fan Di'an, chairman of the China Artists Association, was deeply moved. He said that President Xi Jinping's thinking on cultural civilization is, on the one hand, to fully see the breadth and depth of Chinese civilization, its long history, its unique contribution to human civilization, and show strong cultural self-confidence; On the other hand, it focuses on the issues of the times in promoting world peace and development, and constantly promotes exchanges and mutual learning among civilizations. This is exactly what Chinese pursues: "beauty and harmony, universal harmony".

"More than three months after the Global Civilization Initiative was proposed, China hosted the Third Dialogue on Exchanges and Mutual Learning among Civilizations and the First World Congress of Sinologists, and President Xi Jinping sent a special congratulatory letter, fully demonstrating China's determination to promote exchanges and mutual learning among world civilizations and promote the progress of human civilization." Xu Li, vice president of the China Association for International Exchange, said that the world today is facing major changes unprecedented in a century, and various global challenges are emerging one after another. Only through frank exchanges and mutual learning among different civilizations and countries can the wisdom of all civilizations fully burst forth and contribute to solving the various difficulties and challenges facing the world today.

President Xi Jinping stressed in his congratulatory letter that China is willing to work with all parties to promote the common values of peace, development, fairness, justice, democracy and freedom for all mankind, implement the Global Civilization Initiative, transcend civilizational barriers through civilization exchanges, transcend civilizational conflicts with mutual learning among civilizations, and transcend civilizational superiority through civilizational exchanges, and work together to promote the progress of human civilization.

In September 2015, the common values of all mankind were first proposed at the general debate of the 9th session of the United Nations General Assembly; In March 2023, at the high-level dialogue between the Communist Party of China and political parties around the world, he solemnly proposed the Global Civilization Initiative... Since the new era, President Xi Jinping has continuously enriched and developed China's civilization concept, contributed Chinese wisdom and Chinese solutions to the prosperity of the world's civilization and the sustainable development of human civilization.

"No civilization in the world is superior to any other, and indulging in the doctrine of the superiority of civilization is bound to lead to conflict." Salangi, National Executive Secretary of the Central African Republic Unity Movement and Speaker of the National Assembly, said that President Xi Jinping's emphasis in his congratulatory letter that "civilizational exchanges transcend civilization barriers, mutual learning among civilizations transcends civilization conflicts, and civilization tolerance transcends civilization superiority" is a very important and precious viewpoint. He proposed that everyone in the audience applaud the views expressed in President Xi Jinping's congratulatory letter, and the audience immediately burst into warm applause.

Moratinos, High Representative of the United Nations Alliance of Civilizations, said that he thanked President Xi Jinping for attaching great importance to and strongly supporting exchanges and mutual learning among world civilizations. "I very much agree with President Xi Jinping's Global Civilization Initiative, which has much in common with the work of the United Nations Alliance of Civilizations." He expressed confidence that this initiative would give a strong impetus to understanding and dialogue among civilizations.

Former Spanish Prime Minister Zapatero said in a video message that China has played a pivotal role in international affairs, both in the past and at present. The Global Civilization Initiative is of great significance. We should remember that the destiny of all humankind is shared. Only when all nations and countries are united can mankind progress together. If we respect all civilizations, we can collectively build a human civilization marked by understanding and peace.

In the congratulatory letter, President Xi Jinping earnestly hoped that sinologists from all over the world, as messengers of integrating Chinese and foreign civilizations, would make more active efforts to communicate Chinese and foreign cultures and enhance understanding, friendship and cooperation.

"The high regard given to the work of sinologists by China's national leaders is of great significance to us." Maclin, a Chinese government friendship prize winner and academician of Australia's Commonwealth College of Humanities, who has been engaged in sinology research for more than half a century, said that Chinese civilization is a great civilization, and China's past and present are worth in-depth understanding. In particular, China has made remarkable modernization achievements over the decades, and the unique wisdom it has displayed is worth learning from other countries.

Listening to President Xi Jinping's cordial encouragement to sinologists from all over the world, Professor Rodionov of St. Petersburg State University in Russia was deeply moved. In recent years, he has devoted himself to the translation and publication of Chinese modern and contemporary literature, and has gained a lot in cultural exchanges and mutual learning between civilizations. He said that learning Chinese and studying China is not only a profession for sinologists, but also a sacred mission. He will continue to promote mutual understanding between the Chinese and Russian people and act as a "messenger of Chinese and foreign civilizations."

Liu Chengyong, director of the China National Version Pavilion, said: "As the national version resource general bank and the Chinese culture seed gene bank, the China National Version Pavilion will be guided by the spirit of President Xi Jinping's congratulatory letter, continuously strengthen people-to-people exchanges and cooperation with sinologists from all countries, continue to promote exchanges and mutual learning among civilizations, and promote Chinese civilization to make greater contributions to the progress of human civilization." (Reporter Yang Yijun, Feng Xinran, Wen Wen and Cao Jiayue)