Stéphane Bern SEASON 2022 - 202318h49, July 04, 2023

Historically Yours brings together 3 ladies who put the throttle: Sophie Blanchard, the first French aeronaut and "official aeronaut" of Napoleon himself who put the gas aboard his hydrogen balloon, to fly into the sky, as her husband had done before her. Then, she also put the gases, but in flasks, to analyze them: the forgotten scientist Eunice Newton Foote who highlighted greenhouse gases and their consequences at a time when no one was yet aware of them. And a racing driver who put the throttle on, but she really, trying to beat her own record of 640km/h in a race car with a jet engine. She succeeded, but alas, she was no longer there at the time of the results: Jessi Combs, the fastest woman in the world.