• Politics Feijóo will call the barons of the PSOE to "convince" Sánchez if he blocks his investiture after 23-J

In Genoa they handled the deadlines with great care, and although in part it was already known, they waited until the electoral counter was below 20 days to bring to light the program with which Alberto Núñez Feijóo seeks to agglutinate the sufficient majority to govern alone. A plan for the day to day, with 365 measures, "provided with illusions, credentials and proposals" to "get out of the paralysis" caused by Pedro Sánchez and "refocus on people and not on power" the management of the Government.

"There is a Spain that says enough and asks for a real change. That is why we are here, to be the alternative," Feijóo promised on Tuesday during the presentation of the program, the document on which the entire electoral strategy of the formation pivots. A road map that has been advanced in part by EL MUNDO in recent weeks: Feijóo will recover the crime of sedition and undertake a profound judicial and fiscal reform; He will restructure the regulations for the election of public offices – as proof, this Tuesday he promised that the first dismissed will be José Félix Tezanos, president of the CIS – and will even propose a blackout of networks for minors from midnight and during school hours.

But there is more: the popular program, designed by the general secretary, Cuca Gamarra, proposes a "quiet change", tailored to Feijóo, with which he not only seeks to start a new era with respect to the socialist legislature, but also to mark distances with Vox at a time when both parties are testing their coincidences and differences to reach pacts in various regions and municipalities. A moderate position that in the eyes of those of Santiago Abascal shows that Feijóo has initiated an approximation to the socialist postulates.

These are 365 measures divided into five large blocks and which, in summary, have specific and at the same time transversal objectives: shielding public health, reaching a stable pact for educational quality, ensuring that young people live better than their parents, taking advantage of European funds, addressing demographic and conciliation challenges, ensuring sustainability and environmental protection, as well as putting water management at the centre of policy.


If the PP arrives at La Moncloa, it will recover the itineraries in the last courses of the ESO that the PSOE-Unidas Podemos coalition government removed. It will again divide students into two paths according to their interests: a more academic one that leads to the Baccalaureate and a more professionalizing one that leads to FP. So it was with the Lomce of José Ignacio Wert but with the Lomloe it was changed "so as not to segregate the students".

To this measure planned by the educational team of Feijóo to reduce early school leaving is added an extraordinary tutoring program that allows overcoming the learning loss "that still persists after Covid-19", according to the electoral program.

For its implementation, the PP would launch new tests in Primary without academic effects to evaluate the level of students. In ESO and Bachillerato the program does not speak of recovering the dreaded 'revalidations', but it does slip that "national evaluation standards" will be defined at the end of each of the stages. Of course, a "common" university entrance exam (no longer said "unique") will be implemented for the entire national territory.

The wording of the program is deliberately ambiguous because the objective is to seek a Social Agreement in Education (there is no longer talk of a State Pact) and, if certain words are used, consensus is impossible. The text does not speak, in fact, of repealing the Lomloe -it will be reformed- nor the Losu -it will be revised-, and a guarantee of 25% of Spanish in the schools of Catalonia is not contemplated, but it is said generically that both Spanish and the co-official languages will be considered as vehicular languages of education "according to the pattern of linguistic balance". ensuring "that all students write and express themselves correctly in Spanish and in the corresponding co-official language". In this wording the PSOE and also the educational community could feel comfortable.


It is the great point of friction with Vox and the one that until now has caused more headaches to Feijóo in the negotiations with those of Abascal. While Vox is committed to the repeal of the entire legislative framework designed by the Ministry of Equality in the last four years, the PP defends the approval of a new trans law that protects minors with the "consensus" of all the actors involved.

It also proposes a revision of the Penal Code after the reductions of sentences and releases of sex offenders that has allowed the law of only yes is yes. It also promises a revision of the Euthanasia Law and, in parallel, to strengthen palliative care. All these rules, according to Vox, must be repealed, as is the one on abortion.

In this case, the condition that the PP seeks to include, according to the program, is parental consent in the case of pregnant minors seeking abortion.

Special attention is devoted by the PP in its program to the objective of "eradicating gender violence", a term with which it clashes head-on with Vox. Against this "scourge" Feijóo promises to "comply" with the State Pact promoted in 2017 in this area, review the mechanisms for monitoring and control of penalties and typify the crime of digital violence, with special attention to cases of violence against women that occur between minors. In the same way, the Courts of Violence against Women will become the competent ones to judge crimes of sexist violence.


In judicial matters, as this newspaper already advanced on Tuesday, Feijóo will undertake a reform of the Criminal Code that allows to recover the crimes repealed by Sánchez that affect the leaders of the Procés and, in some cases, even harden them.

The PP promises to recover the crime of sedition and strengthen that of embezzlement, in the opposite direction to what the current coalition government has done throughout the legislature and after granting pardons to the imprisoned independence leaders.

  • Alberto Núñez Feijóo

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