Europe 1 with AFP / Photo credit: EMMANUEL DUNAND / AFP 16:25 pm, July 04, 2023

This Tuesday, before the deputies of the majority, the Prime Minister defended the need for "national unity", and accused LFI, before the National Assembly, of "instrumentalizing" the death of the young Nahel. She assured the leader of the LR deputies Olivier Marleix to be "mobilized" against "impunity" with a "firm criminal response, a more effective, faster justice".

Elisabeth Borne defended Tuesday before the deputies of the majority the need for "national unity" and accused LFI, before the National Assembly, of "instrumentalizing" the death of the young Nahel, killed last week by a policeman, which generated several nights of violence. "With the return to calm, the debates will resume, it's normal, it's democratic, it's very healthy. But I think it's important that it doesn't take precedence over national unity," the Prime Minister told MPs from the Renaissance, Horizons and MoDem groups in the morning. "This is why the President of the Republic has indicated that we must take the time for dialogue," she added, promising later to "learn all the lessons from this crisis".

She spoke in the presence of several ministers, including Gérald Darmanin (Interior), Eric Dupond-Moretti (Justice).

The "path of constant excuse of violence"

Elisabeth Borne recalled having met on Monday all the parliamentary groups, which appeared divided in their proposals, for the sake of "democratic transparency", for "our republican unity and our national cohesion". The head of government strongly criticized the president of the LFI deputies Mathilde Panot, who left before its end the meeting in Matignon. She said she was "very shocked by the words of La France insoumise which refuses to condemn the violence", "further proof" in her eyes that this party "does not position itself in the republican field".

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In front of the National Assembly, placed under the rolling fire of questions to the government, she accused LFI of "instrumentalizing a drama", of choosing the "path" of "the constant excuse of violence". "You are looking for culprits, everywhere, in all our republican institutions, except among the perpetrators of violence," she said in a particularly offensive speech.

"Our ambition is the unity of the Republic"

She assured the leader of the LR deputies Olivier Marleix to be "mobilized" against "impunity" with a "firm criminal response, a more effective, faster justice". The "longer-term reflection" on this crisis "will take place", she promised Boris Vallaud, leader of the PS deputies, while affirming that the government had "not stopped acting for the neighborhoods and for the policy of the city for 6 years".

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After a decrease in violence over the last two nights, Elisabeth Borne indicated that the government was going "with the greatest caution (adapting) its security system" but remained "extremely vigilant", after recalling the "four pillars" of the executive's response until then: a "mobilization of the police", "the firmness of the criminal response", the "accountability of social networks", and a "necessary reminder of parental responsibility". "Our ambition is the unity of the Republic," she added.