Europe 1 with AFP / Photo credit: Ludovic MARIN / AFP 18:48 pm, July 04, 2023

Gerald Darmanin said Tuesday that the problem posed by the riots that have shaken the country since June 27 was that of "young delinquents" and "not foreigners". Responding to the question of an RN deputy rejecting responsibility for immigration violence, the Minister of the Interior argued that "less than 10% of those arrested were foreigners".

Gérald Darmanin said Tuesday that the problem posed by the riots that have shaken the country since June 27 was that of "young delinquents" and "not foreigners", asking the National Rally "not to confuse the debates".


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Responding to a question from RN MP Michaël Taverne blaming immigration violence, the interior minister argued that "less than 10% of those arrested were foreigners" and "90% French". "Only 40 people were eligible for the administrative detention centre," he said.

"Yes, the right order, but not just the order"

"The issue today is young delinquents, not foreigners," Darmanin said, adding: "We don't want hatred of police officers or hatred of foreigners." "In such a terrible moment for our country, we must remember that the Republic is a balance," said the minister. "Yes, order and firmness, yes just order, but not just order," he concluded.

President Emmanuel Macron on Tuesday called for a "lasting order", after seven consecutive nights of violence caused by the death of the young Nahel, killed by a police officer in Nanterre during a road check on June 27. "Just order" was Ségolène Royal's presidential campaign slogan in 2007.